Message from @hansolo_711
Discord ID: 414628549316706315
Correlate your physics...
The deeper Q takes us the more I see hydra.
Antarctica is a land grab future plan, likely for after the pole flip
Possible a hollow earth and an opening in the Antartic?
Some shady stiff going down in Antarctica
the flat earth is actually a psychological test....becuase its an experiment. on how effective can something be spread. think psyop... its' a moot point. it means nothing and it changes nothing. other then they can see who has taken the bait.
There are entrances everywhere. Cavernous. Not hollow
Odd77 exactly!
The Book of Enoch describes an area that has to be Antarctica, but it's in the Northern Hemisphere
im more apt to being in a crazy theory like hollow eath and aliens living inside with a smaller sun.. before i'd go for flat earth
maybe it will be again some day
Yep. Used to be much much more water under the ground.
well this whole Q thing, while utterly fascinating, can make one start to feel like lets get on with it already.
The flood was not only from rain.
The old maps of "Atlantis" look exactly like antarctica
Pole Flip...I have seen a lot of talk about that. And that the earth is changing and strange weather will happen
UN not university stupid autocorrect
Where does gravity come from in flat model?
Where does it come from in the ball model?
but if it does come out that they earth is flat it really wont change much for us on a day to day basis. we will still have to go to work to pay bills, to keep a roof over our head.. nothing will really change. execpt. well the earth is flat and life will go on as it always has .
usually from the bottom. Gravity comes from the bottom
Don't see how gravity proves it round...
Only Jesus can answer a question with a question.
Odd77 is saying it exactly correct
gravity pulls everything in towards the center of mass.
Where does it come from?
Gravity is not a source of power - it’s an EFFECT
You answer mine I'll answer yours
I know whenever I eat Taco Bell, it seems like gravity has gotten 5x stronger, especially from the equatorial region of ones body.
I guess it comes from God
I asked first and you ducked.
Think of gravity as the effect of a perpetual state of falling
OK now u go
Jupiter is made of gas, the reason it is a sphere is because that is the shape that gravity forces upon a heavenly body
Have any of you heard about Primary Water?
You are right