Discord ID: 487846720378634241
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<#487846510508376065> looks pretty empty guys. get to work.
don't be afraid of the fact that this chat appears empty.
Oof.... empty
Is that real
Oh if
Gud analogy tbh
Also i feel like the refugee one is a bit innacurate, lots of lgbts arent so in favor of refugees since muslims are anti gay
gab naming the jew?
gab always names the jew.
yo wtf
Tell me what got posted
taht you had to delete everything
Yeah where is everything
Noones saying it got deleted
nothing of special worry brothers.
just giving you the best protection.
some JIDF script kitties used bots to get message IDs of a 100 servers.
they were planning to report every single one.
luckily for you, I run security for lots of discords.
discord considers any message ID deleted as a closed case.
hence for your protection, and the protection of others, we found the leaker, banned them...
and deleted any messages that could be used to report to discord.
does that make you feel better?
AHhahahaha nice
Anyone have a favorite interview or video by patrick?
holy nigger shit
that is an actual good reason
I remember one of the servers I was a part of got deleted like 4 or 5 times because of these certain fags
Welcome @KingdomK14
The dude in the back is the best thing about that pic
Man I hate civilization sometimes
sweden is done
Soon the whole scandinavia too
Denmark will be ok
Faggot nest
@Le Halal Pimp you turkish?
Im not living in fucking eastern region
I was born and live in izmir
You vote for Erdogan?
Ok maybe you're cool
Hes based and redpilled
This is the party he's currently directing
RIP sweden.
SD 17% AfD no seats. Greens still got in.
at least wilders and FvD here got some seats
60% coalition of the left, vs 17% moderates
This was their final shot
And they failed
none of them will attempt to secure their boarder.
Sweden will keep its current stance for atleast 50 years
By that time, white people will only be %1 or maybe even less in the world
/leftypol/ should have went batshit
the US will be the last european nation.
we have healthy racism.
A lot of that healthy racism died in the 60s
Along with Rockwell
Before them the talk you here on /pol/ and other white nationalist populated places were common talk.
We need 30's america
Fucking weimar america
The 60s was such a shitty decade
People thought that Sweden would vote to save themselves
Hope is the worst drug
those natives are usually isolationist so those Jews must've done something to provoke them
the Jews raped indigenous kids
Wtf i love guatemala now
Weimar problems require weimar solutions
We need freikorps
so is this just basically pol running for gov?
Let me guess
They don't let you play as franco s spain
its a mod
Was general rly deleted or just hidden
Can someone pass me that image with the jew x black interracial facebook page
I know its a mod
@๐๐ฌ๐ฅ๐ข๐ซ๐๐๐ค๐ข๐ฏ do u have it
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