Mike RI

@PF-8894 RocketChat ID: 3YnvMyvYPtTRjvfS3

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Oh umm ya I did it was about my wife's ID on threema

I sent it to you and she messages you to confirm

This is sort of true

I guess my point is though we have to be honest about some of our founders because at the end of the day they weren't the yeoman farmer that we thing of as the American revolutionary. These were rich guys who saw money and they really liked jews, in the case of Hamilton he essentially was one. And they used white people of Americas talking points to get them on board with this war only to instantly install a state that never had there interests in mind. I believe we have to be willing to tear down whatever is needed to build our new nation to build a real american nationalism because from the beginning of this States inception it was against the nation not for it.

I would say though that in the case of George Washington he really did mean anyone

There is a particular private letter to hisfarm manager he wrote

That pretty much says america is for the poor and down trodden as long as they work. He tells the guy to go out and hire Muslims Jews blacks whom ever to work he cares not where they are from to help his farm

Do you know the history of how we got our constitution

You realize they essentially did it against the will of the people

The articles of the confederation were approved by the people

That's what they went to the convention to "edit"

What they ended up doing against the will of the people

Was throwing them out entirely

And replacing it with the constitution

With no bill of rights at the time mind you

Which is the only thing anyone actually likes about the constitution

My state

Didn't even send anyone to the convention

Because they knew what they were doing

It was illegally ratified

Ya that was illegal though

It needed to be approved by the union all of the states

It was not

And btw just to clarify I'm not saying I don't think the articles had flaws

I'm just saying the idea that these people had any interest in the nation from the start is to me absurd

Even the Boston tea party

The Boston tea party wasn't what its billed as lol Alexander Hamilton had stock in the tea trade

He was one of the primary planners for it

I haven't reqd the book yet


There is suppose to be a good book

Called the Economic History of the Constitution

Or something like that

And it goes into all ofthe connections some of the founders had so some of the laws put into our constitution and such economic events around the revolution also

I have it on my list so when I read it hell you can even check it out to obviously but its a good conversation to have

I agree with you here I just don't believe that's the result of the state or many of its founders its the result of us

One of the first actions George Washington ever took as president

Was declare war on whiskey farmers for not paying there taxes that were unconstitutional mind you

American whiskey farmers

He marched on our people because they wouldn't submit to tyranny right from the start of the state! Lol

Well yes I guess this requires a lot of nuance here because I believe in a strong central government to some degree

But I believe in one FOR THE PEOPLE and I feel like since the very beginning our people have been deprived of a true nation state

And one of the reasons I joined PF

Is because of this even if I disagree on some of the quotes in the manifesto

The idea of building something new

For us

Is amazing and very very good

And the people building this new state, us. Are not Jews, not land speculators and not ego centric military generals. We come from differnt classes sure but we all agree we are a family, a nation and we will fight for our peoples cause regardless of what founder said and what they did.

Ya sure I can see that

I guess ya I spend some time trying to justify what I believe to some of the guys with this because it comes off as though I am like idk unamerican but I'm far from it. Tbh skepticism of politicians and big money is about as american as it gets lololol

LMFAO oh you guys already decided where I'll be

I'm very impressed with the foresite you guys have done for this event so far seriously

Excellent work

I mean it the packing list was out early you planned to leave based in everybody's schedule and the meet up spot is far enough south for us all to go to

Planning the car set ups already to? You guys are killing it bro

Ya I get you well still I suppose we will see it in action but so far it seems to be the most smooth coordinated event preparation I've seen since I've been in


Ya always improving that's good

Ya dude talk to you after see you tonight

Good we are lookin at a 9:40am ETA

Hello good sir


First off I will be available for that early early morning action Sunday but not the later part of the day.

I'm kinda curious about the early one that's why lolol

You reprogramming a street sign?

Oh alright haha sounds good

Just stickered Great Road in Lincoln, RI 1/2

Tyler just a heads up I will be unable to attend tonights meeting. It is a holy day of obligation so I have to go to Mass tonight. I will send you my action report as always in writing though

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Just stickered Broadway St. in Providence, RI - 2/2

Action report for the week is I had a goal of 2 I just achieved my goal with Great Road in Lincoln, RI and Broadway St. in Providence, RI. Next weeks goal will be 2 also as I think I'm running close to the end of my promat and I need to get more. I am still reading the same book and I plan on going for a run later tonight also. I also attended the National event this last weekend and plan on attending the early morning event this coming weekend as well.

Sounds good

Well that's it for me Tyler

They are getting rid of anyone under 5 5 from the org

That's what the meeting is about

I knew it was coming

I just didn't know how long it would be

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