Patrick OH
@PF-422474 RocketChat ID: fhKrbgAfiWarxyJSC
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Hey everyone
I was told I'm supposed to dm you for any further instruction in my intro message from Thomas.
Nice to meet you, I guess I'm Patrick
Im having problems signing into the site. Do I use the same login as this one?
Nvm I got to it, a couple questions, may have more later.
On violence, it says that all forms of violence between members is prohibited, even if agreed upon. So if me and a guy have beef, and agree to fight it out, that is NOT allowed, and will result in suspension, correct?
On firearms, it says you're not allowed to use firearms I each other's presence. So that would mean, I couldn't say, go hunting with one of the boys? I understand this isn't necessarily a social organization, but I'm an avid hunter and always looking to introduce worthy men to the fold of the huntsman. As it is an activity and skill set I see as paramount to my folk developing a self sustaining and generally sustainable lifestyle
I also honestly don't have many friends, and hope to make some meaningful connections here. And outdoors activities are basically my only pass time lol
Only scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday atm. It is deer gun week but I can cut out some time. What did you have in mind?
Thanks for the welcomes guys
Any general area in mind? Just wanna be prepared if I gotta drive a ways
100% down either way. I asked for action, very moralizing for it to.come this quickly. Appreciated the little snickering test during vetting as well.
Alright cool let me know
Glad to here. The concept of a "mutual combat," is a big thing in the Proud Boys and I think it's an important idea among men.
I absolutely understand the gun rule, I just wanted clarification on the hunting thing. As it's pretty hard to construe some good ol boys popping squirrels with a 22 as militia training lmao
I'm a bit south of toledo so that'd be perfect. When were you thinking?
Shouldn't be a problem, ill set a reminder on my calender to be sure
Woah Cincy is a different story
It's about 4.5-5 hours for me
@Steven OH toledo
Is there anyone in my area going down I could carpool with? The problem is leaving the wife and kids carless all day. My car is also a bit of clunker/gas hog, and probably wouldn't like that drive.
I'm trying to figure something out. It's just a hell of a drive for me, and family only has one car.
Yea I'm a little out of your way Kentucky
Well if you got anyway in mind im open. Idk anyone yet.
How do we attend this meeting
Will it be on this platform
What's the server name for the meeting
Thank you
Says the server is full
Saays server is full can't join
Telling me server is full
Cool thank you
Please remove blue mic lmao
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