David WA

@PF-329347 RocketChat ID: KQv8jm4N4xZztLjkR

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Will you be coming through Central Washington anytime soon?

I was wondering if you could take all my promat and give it to @Walter ID


Good luck.

Understood, thank you for letting me know.

I just did that.

Do you think that I was too late?

The infiltrator was in the org since August.

Thank you.

Why is @Vincent WA still on mubmle?

Is the situation regarding the servers security under control?

I believe you, but then how did Vincent know that a Mumble meeting was taking place?


Please don't do that ever again.

You can say that again.

Tell everyone on that tech team that I am so thankful that we have them in this org.

I will do just that.

I know you are.

I would just like to thank you and everyone else on our tech team for your hard work. I am so grateful that we have people like you in this org.

I would just like to thank you and everyone else on our tech team for your hard work. I am so grateful that we have people like you in this org.

I would just like to thank you and everyone else on our tech team for your hard work. I am so grateful that we have people like you in this org.

Who is @Jake AR ?


And what have they found so far?

Why does it not say which state he's from/in?

It's more what he has on us that I worry about.

I'm serious why is he the only one who gets to not have a state?

That's all you needed to say.


Thank you for your understanding.

I left a Kelty tent at the campsite as well as a sleeping bag.

I don't care about the latter, anyone who want's it can have it.


Could somebody else have it?

Actually I think that #35 is it.

Also #33 might be mine as well if no one has already claimed it.

Missing attachment: 20211212_125957.jpg
Missing attachment: 20211212_130143.jpg
Missing attachment: 20211212_131053.jpg
Missing attachment: 20211212_130548.jpg

What's the web address to the Victory site?

What is the web address to the Victory site? I can't seem to find it now?

Thank you.

Thank you.

I have connected to the Mumble server and I am standing by for verification.

Thank you.

It depends on where it is.

In that case I will likely attend unless circumstances arise which prevent me from doing so.

Not sure if you or anyone on the tech team is interested, but Wikipedia gutted the article about the org right after the D.C march and removed a lot of information.

Considering google searches for the organization is higher than ever, and the Wikipedia article is what many people will be seeing to learn about what Patriot Front is, I thought you or someone else should know if you don't already.


Not sure if you or anyone on the tech team is interested, but Wikipedia gutted the article about the org right after the D.C march and removed a lot of information.
Considering google searches for the organization is higher than ever, and the Wikipedia article is what many people will be seeing to learn about what Patriot Front is, I thought you or someone else should know if you don't already.

Why would @Clarke WA go silent on us?

He said that?

Do you think that was the whole purpose of the tweet?

Do you think he might come back within the week if he still doesn't get doxxed?

For the Christmas weekend bash, can I leave my truck at your house and carpool with you to the location?

What time should I be at your house?

Understood, see you then.

I haven't been able to change the plates on my truck. I've tried telling my mother that I wanted the responsibility of it being under my name but it didn't work. She said that it doesn't matter and to just wait for the next time I need to renew the tabs, then she could transfer it to my name.

But that's not for another year.

That's what they said when I went in and said they were stolen.

She has a Facebook but I don't think she has any photos of me on their.

I added her to Deletme like you said.

Also, are you sure that you can't get someones name from a license plate?

But I added her this month and he has had photos of my plates since August.

And she has a Facebook account.


I know I am going to be doxxed I know it.

He just posted on Twitter that he has more doxxs coming.

This week no less.

If he can get my full name then it would be easy to get a doxx.

I know. It's just that the one of the main reasons I joined PF is because I knew the chance of getting doxxed was very low.

I just wish I didn't need to.

I am and I am not.

Thank you.

I won't.

And this means?


How can you tell?

Why does he look so different?

That's just a two year difference.

Not that long.

Do you think he gained all that weight so we wouldn't recognize him from those photos?

I saw Clarke's doxx.

How do you know that?

I didn't see anything about Facebook or LinkedIn.

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