Joe MA
@PF-366990 RocketChat ID: W5BLfkoDFsmKEbzbC
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Hey fam good to be back
I missed yall
Possible replacements
So a week from today? At least 2 separate posts
Lol I thought those stickers were good optics but I guess not
I didn't even put 2 and 2 together with that gun one till yall pointed it out tbh
Happy Thanksgiving kings
Is finding out that I'm gonna be a dad considered activism?
Yooooo I won't be there for December not sure if you remember but I told you I got drill that weekend but good news is that I'm gonna be a dad!
Thanks lads!
Dude I'm sooooo fucking happy man! Also I'm about to set up my mumble what's the address for it? For some reason I can't find the link to the guides etc
Maybe the real hikes were the achievements we made along the way
Thanks fam good to be back but will do ill stick to pf promat only from now on
She's getting as good as she can but hopefully the good news I gave her this week will help her push thruim gonna be a dad!
Not sure yet but I can't wait to find out it's really early and was the best birthday present to find this out
Ever since I found out I'm gonna be a dad I've never felt so motivated in my life but sadly I won't see you this weekend I gotta cuck for zog I got drill that weekend
Yeah man I really wish I could get out of it especially since it's been a while since I've gone to a big pf thing
Uhhhh like 30-40 min each way
I'll check to see if Marshall could meet halfway or if he could just stop by my place to pick it up
Yeah thats fine but definitely try to get it back to me since it's a really nice flag and not one of the cheap see thru ones lol its already mounted on the pole so it's good to go
Hey man so for whatever reason my phone didn't update the password I used for my account and I'm trying to check the guides and set my mumble up. Any chance you can reset my password?
Hey fam would you be able to come by my place to grab my Betsey Ross flag or even meet halfway sometime this week
If I remember I'll mark the pole with tape or some shit so yall know it's mine. But I dm'd Marshall just waiting on his response
It's the right password afaik but tbf I could have fat fingered my password when I first changed it
Yeah ill be home at 5 so anytime between then and 7 come thru
You still coming?
Ready now
Yo need help setting up mumble. I can't login to the guides my shit is all fucked up I just need the address for it
I'm still trying to set my mumble up but nothing is working reeee
I need tye address but I can't access the guides still
Well I asked Thomas last night to reset it. He said it would log me out which it didn't and I tried the new password and it still doesn't work
But pretty sure my password was army1488
The original was something like JoefromMassachusetts
Ok I didn't get an error but it won't open so iirc that means I'm just waiting for the approval
It's saying connection refused when I try to open the room but I did the instructions like you said
Galaxy s20 ultra
Yep that's all correct on my end
Finallyyyyyy my phone did some gay autocorrect but I'm in now
Just need permission to get in the room
Will do I gotta remember how to do that
I changed the default cert name to what you told me to but I don't see it reflecting in the server
You able to pull me down into the meeting room?
Not as cringe as my fingernail literally about to fall off hanging on by a thread
Is Vincent the one who approves my bit?
Cool also enjoy the nightmare fuel
The nail caught onto my jacket and near ripped it off
Reeee lemme in the meeting room AAAAAAAAA

Let me in
IM GONNA [redacted]
Stickered in Schenectady NY and Fitchburg MA
Doesn't show the new footbridge yet on maps but it's where I dropped the pin
Doesn't show the new footbridge yet on maps but it's where I dropped the pin
Good luck to everyone this weekend godspeed!
Great work kings the demo is making waves!
Catching up watching some of the streams gotta say wonderful job gentlemen I wish I was there to join yall. But I gave pf a shoutout on white rabbit radio tonight if that's any consolation
I can check to see if there's an open unit in my building or nearby fam that would be awesome to have you closer to me
Sunday 1am to 2am would probably work better but it all depends on how close to Fitchburg it is for each action as to what works better. But yeah ill cut contact with Norman
What about the other one?
Is that under an hour one literally gonna take from noon to 8 or is that just the rough window it will be? Sorry just trying to plan my weekend so I can still visit my mom
And that 1am one is the Saturday going into Sunday so I'd have all Sunday to sleep and do whatever I gotta right?
Ok cool I'm definitely more leaning towards that but either way I'll make one of them
Will do brother but if I don't give you a different answer put me down for 1am
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