(DM) Norman GA & Arthur FL

RocketChat ID: 2a3TtxFLzwD52a7fW2bjrZDrbBZJhtAiCH

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Norman GA @PF-105977


Norman GA @PF-105977
Arthur FL @PF-507317
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Norman GA @PF-105977
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Norman GA @PF-105977
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Norman GA @PF-105977
Missing attachment: DerSS.jpg
Arthur FL @PF-507317
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Norman GA @PF-105977
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Arthur FL @PF-507317

Dog gone

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Might wanna bring that balaclava idk if Lawrencell have it for me

Norman GA @PF-105977

Planned on it. You can keep my spare if need be

Arthur FL @PF-507317


Arthur FL @PF-507317

Bro i forget how retarded my network is lmao

Norman GA @PF-105977

Because no one ordered anything?

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Nah we got one guy who didnt even know what the uniform was

Norman GA @PF-105977

New guy?

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Nah the malnourished one

Arthur FL @PF-507317


Norman GA @PF-105977

Bruh moment

Norman GA @PF-105977

Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow. About to go camp out in the Walmart parking lot

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Based see u tmrw

Norman GA @PF-105977


Norman GA @PF-105977

ask if they want to stop at south of the border again

Norman GA @PF-105977

Hey, do you know any good number burners for telegram?

Arthur FL @PF-507317

whats a number burner lmao

Norman GA @PF-105977

Burner number I meant

Norman GA @PF-105977

like a phone number

Norman GA @PF-105977

but not yours

Arthur FL @PF-507317

I can try to find one for you

Arthur FL @PF-507317

What do you need it for

Norman GA @PF-105977

To make a telegram account

Norman GA @PF-105977

id rather not use my phone number. Had a bad experience in the past when a co-worker added me on telegram and I had a black sun as my pfp lmao

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Fuckin lol

Arthur FL @PF-507317

I think theres apps you can download thatll give you one

Norman GA @PF-105977

Yeah I looked through a ton

Norman GA @PF-105977

all cost money though

Norman GA @PF-105977

the free stuff doesn’t work

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Damn, I mean I use my actual number and stuff I just make my pfp kinda ambiguous

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Like its an SS soldier but you can hardly tell

Norman GA @PF-105977

I might just fork over the dosh to get a number

Norman GA @PF-105977

kinda sucks

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Yeah wish I could help out

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Just wrote a marching song

Arthur FL @PF-507317

sent it to thomas

Norman GA @PF-105977

Uhhhh based???

Norman GA @PF-105977

Can I get a sneak peak

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Well the melody is the same as Muistoja Pohjolasta

Arthur FL @PF-507317

I just changed the lyrics

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Made it about the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir

Norman GA @PF-105977

Not familiar with that song or battle

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Chosin Reservoir is a based ass korean war battle

Arthur FL @PF-507317

And the song is just a finnish winter war banger

Arthur FL @PF-507317

You can find it on youtube

Norman GA @PF-105977

I’ll check it out when I get a chance

Arthur FL @PF-507317


Norman GA @PF-105977


Norman GA @PF-105977

i have telegram

Norman GA @PF-105977

How do I use this lol

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Search channels that you wanna subscribe to

Arthur FL @PF-507317

And then to communicate with people you just add them

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Like mine is Rache Nacht

Arthur FL @PF-507317

Id recommend subbing to the PF ones, the Activism, Athletics, Identity one, Ouest Casual, and Media2Rise

Norman GA @PF-105977


Norman GA @PF-105977

Where do I see the channels

Arthur FL @PF-507317

You just have to look them up

Arthur FL @PF-507317

There should be a search bar

Norman GA @PF-105977
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Arthur FL @PF-507317

Yeah that happened to me when I first downloaded Telegram too

Norman GA @PF-105977

Just give it time then?

Arthur FL @PF-507317


Norman GA @PF-105977


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