(DM) Leo LA & Sam MI

RocketChat ID: pPLCdZ8R7h3mQwx6yqTbWTkafDGrMXCPMK

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Sam MI @PF-305391

Hey Leo. I messaged Thomas about doing the fitness spreadsheets. he wanted me to dm you and set up a call with you

Leo LA @PF-793569

Ok, I'll be free Wednesday night some time after 8 PM? Does that time work for you?

Sam MI @PF-305391

Yeah. I have my cluster meeting at 9pm wednesday so in that 8-9 window is good

Leo LA @PF-793569

Ok, we'll plan on that then.

Sam MI @PF-305391

Just DM me then. I should be home and available to jump on mumble

Sam MI @PF-305391

Lmk when youre available and I'll get on mumble

Sam MI @PF-305391

Oh youre on central time. I'll be in the cluster meeting 8-9 in CST. We can talk afterwards

Leo LA @PF-793569

Ok, I'm free now, but I can wait.

Sam MI @PF-305391

ok sorry. This is an important cluster meeting planning for the demo

Sam MI @PF-305391

meeting running long as usual lol

Leo LA @PF-793569

It's all good. I'm not in a hurry.

Sam MI @PF-305391


Sam MI @PF-305391

room 4

Sam MI @PF-305391

Peep the spreadsheets. Looking pretty good if I say so myself lol

Leo LA @PF-793569

Are they in the same drive folder? I'll take a look when I get the time.

Sam MI @PF-305391

Yeah I think if you just open the links it'll work

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