(DM) Ben MD & Roger VA

RocketChat ID: 6f9xrxBWsB5Bv2rq5KxPMy52dX4rRapiAD

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Ben MD @PF-159020

this week's meeting has a complication. would a 4:30-5:30 meeting time work or a 9pm-10pm work for you?

Roger VA @PF-715853

Would it be on tuesday?

Roger VA @PF-715853

If so I don't get out of work till 6pm weekdays.

Ben MD @PF-159020

Yes, Tuesday

Ben MD @PF-159020

Other items of consideration for the event, if you have it or have time/desire to get it:
Mess kit
Non-perishable snacks (protein bars, dehydrated fruits, jerky etc.)
Camel Pack
Plenty of spare lights (Headlamps, ballcap lights, camp lights etc)
First aid kit (An IFAK if you have it, probably over-preparation)
I have body armor, I'm going to bring it. Almost certainly over-preparation, but I figure I have and if I don't wear it to this what did I pay all that money for? If you already have it it'll only cost you the not-inconsequential extra weight of carrying it.
but, on the same note; shinguards, kneepads, jockstrap & cup, all of that is 99% over precaution but I just don't see how It could hurt to bring, especially if you're on shield duty.
just make sure any safety gear fits under your jacket, pants etc, we want to look tight and uniform, not like larpy idiots

Roger VA @PF-715853

Great advice actually thanks alot Ben.

Roger VA @PF-715853

I will keep that in mind when I pack Friday morning.

Roger VA @PF-715853

I have body armor and will buy shinguards and a cup just to be safe.

Roger VA @PF-715853

I'll bring some first aid supplies as well.

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