(DM) Anthony UT & ND - John WA

RocketChat ID: pXMqQW5nERgTA6H7eySyNAR6XGR4qHDejF

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Anthony UT @PF-520619

Were leaving to the mariott. Three undercovers. Putting up promat you nigger

Anthony UT @PF-520619

No promat

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Were leaving to the mariott 20 minutes away

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Were going somewhere closeby, not the mariott



I was scraping off promat I saw

I thought you guys did that

Anthony UT @PF-520619

No way

Yes way

You really think I’d sticker a security checkpoint?

Anthony UT @PF-520619

I understand, I was saying we didnt do that

Okay well good

Find somewhere to piss and then come back. Grant will be here in a couple minutes.

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Grand MA is being a bitch and not telling us anything

You won’t be able to find the campsite without him

Anthony UT @PF-520619

were on our way back

He can’t get ahold of you

Just calm down guys. I got good connection, I’m talking to him.

I’ve been messaging him on threema

Anthony UT @PF-520619


Just come back, calm down we’ll be at the camp soon.

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Eta 4 minutes

Anthony UT @PF-520619

On our way back

Grant is here

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Were pulling in

Anthony UT @PF-520619


Three undercovers??

Anthony UT @PF-520619

Yea there were a number of obvious undercocer cops throughout the evening

Anthony UT @PF-520619

in the neighborhood

I didn’t see any. I was a cop at the fire station as we drove by.

Thank you for your service

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