(DM) Anthony UT & ND - John WA
RocketChat ID: pXMqQW5nERgTA6H7eySyNAR6XGR4qHDejF
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Were leaving to the mariott. Three undercovers. Putting up promat you nigger
No promat
Were leaving to the mariott 20 minutes away
Were going somewhere closeby, not the mariott
I was scraping off promat I saw
I thought you guys did that
No way
Yes way
You really think I’d sticker a security checkpoint?
I understand, I was saying we didnt do that
Okay well good
Find somewhere to piss and then come back. Grant will be here in a couple minutes.
Grand MA is being a bitch and not telling us anything
You won’t be able to find the campsite without him
were on our way back
He can’t get ahold of you
Just calm down guys. I got good connection, I’m talking to him.
I’ve been messaging him on threema
Just come back, calm down we’ll be at the camp soon.
Eta 4 minutes
On our way back
Grant is here
Were pulling in
Yea there were a number of obvious undercocer cops throughout the evening
in the neighborhood
I didn’t see any. I was a cop at the fire station as we drove by.
32 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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