(DM) ND - John WA & NQ - Paul TX
RocketChat ID: fSyFcRNupMa9bmQZjySyNAR6XGR4qHDejF
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Hi Paul
How are things?
Things are going good in NW2, I’m happy to see all the improvements happening in our circles. How about yourself?
Pretty good
Work is killing mr with 60 hour work weeks on top of school and activism. It’s annoying to try and balance, but otherwise I’m good.
You’re the hardest guy in PF when it comes to the activism grind. I’ll make sure to think of you next time I complain about being stressed about my 20 hr work week and schoolwork haha.
Yeah man I’ve been doing weekend classes and activism on the weekend. It’s pretty rough. I’m probably going to ask to work with a crew that works less. I’m losing hair. However the pay is great
Keep up the good work brother. Hopefully you’re able to secure an easier schedule, but at least you can say you’re no stranger to hard work like so many people are 💪🏻
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