(DM) Clarke WA & Tyler WA

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Clarke WA @PF-327302

fitness standards are now in place. Anyone who cannot complete 25 push ups, 3 pull ups, a 9 minute mile, 2.5 minute plank will have to join our fitness and lifestyle recovery group.

Tyler WA @PF-983004

Oh that’s easy

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Yeah it really is

Tyler WA @PF-983004

The gate code is 3842. Hold each button for 1s to make sure it registers. Farmhouse is on lift. Park next to my car

Clarke WA @PF-327302

On da left?

Tyler WA @PF-983004

Left* yes

Tyler WA @PF-983004

You’ll see my whip

Tyler WA @PF-983004

Great posts Clarke. Butts will be devastated

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Thanks bro

Clarke WA @PF-327302
Missing attachment: IMG_20211125_150240_814.jpg
Clarke WA @PF-327302

They finally uploaded these

Clarke WA @PF-327302


Tyler WA @PF-983004

Great work with all those posts.

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Thanks, man. I anticipated just replacing promat I had placed over a month ago, but to my surprise a ton of it hadn't been removed. Especially in Tacoma and Lacry

Tyler WA @PF-983004

Gotta get you up to Seattle to do a big run with me. Need to go take a bunch of signs from Magnolia and plaster the neighborhoods with promat

Tyler WA @PF-983004

do you put the signs in a backpack or just carry them?

Clarke WA @PF-327302

I just carry them lol but that's because I don't have a backpack large enough to hold them

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Honestly a backpack would be a smart idea

Tyler WA @PF-983004

I bet they’d fit in my Alice pack

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Easily no doubt

Tyler WA @PF-983004

Are you putting up those abolish the fbi stickers?

Clarke WA @PF-327302

Honestly I think you should keep most of those yard signs we fixed up. They'd be good to take out into the country rather than tossing them on city streets to get abducted

Clarke WA @PF-327302

And yeah, John gave me a sticker starter pack for Paul, but since he bailed John told me I could use it. Those non-organizational stickers were intermixed with the PF promat

Clarke WA @PF-327302

The reject degenercy was me too and the pig with the cop hat

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