(DM) Jason NY & ND - Eric PA

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ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

If anything I will ask you to be NQ but I am looking at other prospects with leadership potential as well. We will see but for the time being I would like you to then be acting NQ so you can still be involved in the management process

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yep that's absolutely fine

Jason NY @PF-3527

I was just waiting for somebody else qualified to come along

Jason NY @PF-3527

NQ is cool too but I have grown used to simply "Jason NY" with no gay letters in front

Jason NY @PF-3527

If I were to have letters in front I would prefer IC because that most accurately reflects my skillset and roles within the org

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

We will see. For now tho I want you in on management

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

I’m feeling out Adam PA rn. He’s a smart guy and a personal friend so I know he’s trustworthy. Just want to make sure his schedule can handle it.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Ya fo sho, I would like to remain involved with network leadership regardless of my official role if Thomas permits it

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

NWX is growing and in light of recent events I need to utilize all assets

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

need niggas at the top of they game

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

We just got a new applicant from Philly, and I’m not fucking around with any applicants rn, least of all metro area.

Jason NY @PF-3527

He’s not suspicious

Jason NY @PF-3527

He linked me his twitter when I randomly asked and it had alt right stuff going back to 2020

Jason NY @PF-3527

And he wasn’t nervous or weird, his story added up as well

Jason NY @PF-3527

Btw I am not going to be IC because one of the other guys on interview team wanted the position more than me and I didn’t want to have some type of conflict to him

Jason NY @PF-3527

But the lack of official recognition in any regard is getting to me. I spend more time working for PF than I do working a job that pays. By far.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I was working towards IC very hard for months now and those 2 letters in front of my name would’ve been all I wanted as for recognition probably forever.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Not mad at Thomas cause he asked for my permission to give other guy IC and I said yes, but with this and also not getting NS role when I was looking forward to it, very demoralizing.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I mean back when I first got told I’d be made NS, not you giving it to Vincent which I am in favor of.

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

Well how about NQ?

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

None of this is being done without your input first, you should understand that

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yes I know. Got frustrated last night is all cause it was like twice in a row. Got all excited about NS months back and then Thomas said no, and then I was working my ass off to go for IC but that didn’t work out either.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Anyway I’m already over it.

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

Ya just be straight with me nigga

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

If interviewing is your skill set you should stick with that tho

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

Do whatever is most suitable for you

Jason NY @PF-3527

I’ll still do interviews but someone else is getting IC

Jason NY @PF-3527

So if I am supposed to be the same amount of passionate and energized about interviews like that just doesn’t make sense

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

Idk man I don’t really get it. The name is there but I don’t think that’s there to hinder you. There were plenty of times as NQ that I was performing ND level tasks in Ryan’s stead when he needed it, or even if I wanted to take the reins on something he’d let me.

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806

When we talk later we can sort this all out

Jason NY @PF-3527

There’s nothing to sort out I’m already over it

ND - Eric PA @PF-950806


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