(DM) Jason NY & Jake AR

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Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

Here are the notes I have on downloading the database

Jake AR @PF-3320

docker exec -it mongo bash
mongodump --db=rocketchat --gzip --archive=/dump --excludeCollection=rocketchat_message_read_receipt
(download the archive.gz and delete it via SFTP)

Jake AR @PF-3320

I need to SFTP to also locate the folder with all the uploads. I forget but there was something in particular about migrating the database before or after you upload the uploads folder if you did it in the wrong order it actually deleted all the uploads

Jake AR @PF-3320

"rc should be turned off
import latest DB
move uploads contents to the app/uploads folder (change permissions to 777)". My notes say that the uploads come after the database is imported. So you might want to look in the server under the app folder and you may see the uploads folder

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, when I do this I want to be on call with you to make sure I don’t mess anything up

Jake AR @PF-3320

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, logged in

Jason NY @PF-3527

Looks like we have 22 github pages worth of releases to go through if we're doing gradual rocket update

Jake AR @PF-3320

okay there has to be a way to automate this,

Jason NY @PF-3527

Insha'Allah lol

Jason NY @PF-3527

It's pretty simple commands to update so it shouldn't be that hard

Jake AR @PF-3320

so what do you do

Jake AR @PF-3320

I want to document some stuff

Jason NY @PF-3527

stop rc with systemctl, remove installation folder, curl the version, install with npm, move to /opt/Rocket.Chat, chown -R, systemctl start

Jason NY @PF-3527

Database will update automatically w/ rocketchat update

Jason NY @PF-3527

but only if you go one version at a time (good design guys)

Jake AR @PF-3320

is this with docker? Or are the extra steps in docker

Jake AR @PF-3320

I saw a RC version in the docker config I thought

Jason NY @PF-3527

I think only difference would be docker start instead of systemctl start

Jason NY @PF-3527

maybe some dif directory names too

Jason NY @PF-3527

nvm I'm wrong because I forgot about the whole docker compose bit

Jason NY @PF-3527


docker pull rocketchat/rocketchat:x.x.x
edit docker-compose.yml to rocketchat/rocketchat:x.x.x
docker-compose stop rocketchat
docker-compose rm rocketchat
docker-compose up -d rocketchat

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 14, 2021 8:22 PM
Jake AR @PF-3320

so that updates image line?

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 14, 2021 8:23 PM
Jake AR @PF-3320

what about mongo version, will that change?

Jason NY @PF-3527

We have to update image line manually for every update :D

Jason NY @PF-3527

mongo version should change automatically, I think

Jake AR @PF-3320

geez, lol

Jake AR @PF-3320

okay once its up, lets try migrating ONE version

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yeah we will keep an MOP or whatever, should make it easier

Jake AR @PF-3320

I had to google that, thats how professional I am

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yep a wagefag taught me that term

Jake AR @PF-3320

i mean it makes sense, just not with all the industry terms

Jake AR @PF-3320

there has to be a way to edit that version in the compose file without going into it

Jake AR @PF-3320

some CLI

Jason NY @PF-3527

There's probably a really easy way we could automate the whole thing I just don't know how

Jake AR @PF-3320

while server is booting up, I'm looking at it

Jason NY @PF-3527

I will reach out to Tyler SD and ask if he knows, he is a very good programmer

Jason NY @PF-3527

I won't be specific with what we're doing

Jason NY @PF-3527

just that I need to update something one version at a time

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea this is why dockers is not the greatest, since we are not experts

Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm not an expert in snap either :man_shrugging_light_skin_tone:

Jake AR @PF-3320

we could probably just do a text replace and remember the previous version or do a regex for the rocketchat/version section

Jake AR @PF-3320

we'd probably need a list of all the versions in an array so it can iterate through each one.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yeah, that makes sense. It'd also need to know to wait until rc is back online before running the upgrade script again.

Jake AR @PF-3320

or if we could just identify which ones had the mongo scheme chage

Jason NY @PF-3527

Do you want to try jumping ahead by 5 versions at a time and seeing when the schema breaks?

Jake AR @PF-3320

thats not a bad idea

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay let's start with that then

Jake AR @PF-3320

When it breaks, we then go back?

Jake AR @PF-3320

is that possible?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yeah and then we know within 5 versions where it breaks

Jason NY @PF-3527

using the snapshopt

Jason NY @PF-3527

we'd go to until last version where it didn't break, then update 1 version at a time for the next 5

Jason NY @PF-3527

save a new screenshot then go back to 5 at a time

Jake AR @PF-3320

I wonder how many scheme changes are out there

Jake AR @PF-3320

this snapshot takes ages

Jason NY @PF-3527

We can try the 5 at a time thing and see how far we get before it breaks and then judge if it's a viable solution from there

Jason NY @PF-3527

If we do the first 5 and it breaks instantly then we scrap that method, but if we can go like 50 versions without a schema break I think it'll be okay even with long snapshot time

Jake AR @PF-3320

that would be ideal. I wish they noted which versions update the schema

Jake AR @PF-3320

maybe we can find the update schema code and then identify the version

Jason NY @PF-3527

Great idea

Jason NY @PF-3527

inb4 it's every version

Jake AR @PF-3320

then we will have to write some script that can do that, no way are we doing this all manually

Jake AR @PF-3320

these are schemas I think

Jason NY @PF-3527

These look like the tabs in the admin panel

Jake AR @PF-3320

I searched for $addFields in the code which is what addsa field to collections in db

Jake AR @PF-3320

and it pointed to these

Jason NY @PF-3527

Oh okay

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

108, almost 109 :nose:

Jason NY @PF-3527

with schema updates/

Jake AR @PF-3320

thats just all of them

Jason NY @PF-3527

rocket chat developers turned me into a bar of soap

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

I am thinking a bash script like this

Jake AR @PF-3320

<br>#!/bin/bash<br><br>declare -a versionArray=("3.3.0" "3.3.1" "3.3.2" "3.3.3" "3.4.0" "3.4.1" "3.4.2" "3.4.3" "3.5.0" "3.5.1" "3.5.2" "3.5.3" "3.5.4" "3.6.0" "3.6.1" "3.6.2" "3.6.3" "3.7.0" "3.7.1" "3.7.2" "3.7.3" "3.7.4" "3.8.0" "3.8.1" "3.8.2" "3.8.3" "3.8.4" "3.8.5" "3.8.6" "3.8.7" "3.8.8" "3.8.9" "3.9.0" "3.9.1" "3.9.2" "3.9.3" "3.9.4" "3.9.5" "3.9.6" "3.9.7" "3.10.0" "3.10.1" "3.10.2" "3.10.3" "3.10.4" "3.10.5" "3.10.6" "3.10.7" "3.10.7" "3.11.0" "3.11.1" "3.11.2" "3.11.3" "3.11.4" "3.11.5" "3.12.0" "3.12.1" "3.12.2" "3.12.3" "3.12.5" "3.12.4" "3.12.6" "3.12.7" "3.13.0" "3.13.1" "3.13.2" "3.13.3" "3.13.4" "3.13.5" "3.14.0" "3.14.1" "3.14.2" "3.14.3" "3.14.4" "3.14.5" "3.14.6" "3.15.0" "3.15.1" "3.15.2" "3.15.3" "3.15.4" "3.16.0" "3.16.1" "3.16.2" "3.16.3" "3.16.4" "3.16.5" "3.17.0" "3.17.1" "3.17.2" "3.17.3" "3.18.0" "3.18.1" "3.18.2" "3.18.3" "4.0.0" "4.0.1" "4.0.2" "4.0.3" "4.0.4" "4.0.5" "4.0.6" "4.1.0" "4.1.1" "4.1.2" "4.2.0" "4.2.1" "4.2.2")<br><br>declare currentVersion="3.2.2"<br>for v in "${versionArray[@]}"<br>do<br> docker-compose stop rocketchat<br> docker pull rocketchat/rocketchat:$v<br> sed -i "s/rocket.chat:$currentVersion/rocket.chat:$v/g" /home/andrewj/docker-compose.yml<br> docker-compose rm rocketchat<br> docker-compose up -d rocketchat<br> currentVersion=$v<br>done<br>

Jake AR @PF-3320

it might hang on the docker-compose up

Jake AR @PF-3320

or does -d mean detach, so it will move along

Jake AR @PF-3320

So its missing after docker-compose up -d rocketchat how do we know its finished botting up so we can move on to the next version

Jake AR @PF-3320

ping port 3000?

Jason NY @PF-3527

It's up for me

Jason NY @PF-3527

Pinging the port might work. But it might always ping because it's open.

Jason NY @PF-3527

We could just set it on a timer I guess.

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea I am gonna do a timer for 30 seconds and however long it takes to get next version downloaded

Jake AR @PF-3320

not every milestone has a version to download, here is official list https://hub.docker.com/r/rocketchat/rocket.chat/tags/?page=10&ordering=last_updated

Jake AR @PF-3320

I'll have to update my list

Jason NY @PF-3527

fingers crossed that one of the undownloadable versions doesn't have schema changes

Jason NY @PF-3527

but we can probably get it from github if so

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea, also it looks like docker pulls it automatically by just updating the compose

Jake AR @PF-3320

okay version updated

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 14, 2021 10:05 PM
Jake AR @PF-3320

now to run the script lol

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 14, 2021 10:07 PM

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