(DM) Jason NY & Jake AR

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Jake AR @PF-3320

i didnt remove the ones not downloadable from the list, so just a minor error and wait

Jason NY @PF-3527

mongo shell is confusing and sucks

Jason NY @PF-3527

but I just spent a few hours figuring out how to work it

Jason NY @PF-3527

so I might be able to fix schema errors that arise

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

that will come in handy

Jake AR @PF-3320

I am updating script so it will work simply whenever we want to update without us having to do resrarch on versions

Jason NY @PF-3527

excellent, how is the updating process going?

Jake AR @PF-3320

it was working, but it kept hitting versions it could not download, so I wanted to have it auto skip them

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320

so far so good

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 15, 2021 12:03 AM
Jason NY @PF-3527

Oh damn

Jake AR @PF-3320

takes about 1:15 per version to update

Jake AR @PF-3320

I just started it again a bit ago, it hasnt been going that slow

Jason NY @PF-3527

Awesome I thought this'd be way more of a headache

Jason NY @PF-3527

Glad the script didn't have to be super complicated

Jake AR @PF-3320

<br>#!/bin/bash<br><br>#CONFIG<br>#set max version to reach to for each component<br>#a.b.c (3.5.2)<br>maxA=99<br>maxB=30<br>maxC=9<br><br><br><br>#https://hub.docker.com/r/rocketchat/rocket.chat/tags<br><br><br>cd /home/andrewj<br>currentVersion="`grep -oP '(?&lt;=rocket.chat:)\d.\d.\d' /home/andrewj/docker-compose.yml`"<br>versionParts=(${currentVersion//./ })<br>a=${versionParts[0]}<br>b=${versionParts[1]}<br>c=${versionParts[2]}<br>v="$a.$b.$c"<br><br>echo "Current Version: $v"<br>sleep 5<br><br>function docker_tag_exists() {<br> curl --silent -f -lSL https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/$1/tags/$2 &gt; /dev/null<br>}<br><br>while true<br>do<br> let c=$(($c + 1))<br> if (("$c" &gt; "$maxC"))<br> then<br> let c=0<br> let b=$(($b + 1))<br> if (("$b" &gt; "$maxB"))<br> then<br> let b=0<br> let a=$(($a + 1))<br> if (("$a" &gt; "$maxA"))<br> then<br> exit 0<br> fi<br> fi<br> fi<br> v="$a.$b.$c"<br> <br> if docker_tag_exists rocket.chat $v; then<br> #update compose file with next version<br> sed -i "s/rocket.chat:$currentVersion/rocket.chat:$v/g" /home/andrewj/docker-compose.yml<br> currentVersion=$v<br> #stop container and remove and recreate (will pull version defined in compose)<br> docker-compose rm -f -s rocketchat<br> docker-compose up -d rocketchat<br> echo "Waiting for RC to boot up (45 seconds)"<br> sleep 45<br> else <br> echo "$v not available"<br> fi<br>done<br>

Jake AR @PF-3320

lol well it is simple now

Jake AR @PF-3320

it just iterates through every possible version and skips if it doesnt find the image

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

Banged out what vincent tx thought would be a 1 week project in a few hours

Jason NY @PF-3527

PF pajeet team #1 in the world

Jake AR @PF-3320

lol we pajeets baby

Jason NY @PF-3527

bash script cant make me poo in loo

Jake AR @PF-3320

its nice because now we just run it whenever since it auto detects current version and everything. We just need to find the what the IP is for the docker image hosting server so we can allow it through the firewall

Jason NY @PF-3527

shouldn't be too hard to do that

Jake AR @PF-3320

looks like

Jake AR @PF-3320

unless its multiple IPs

Jason NY @PF-3527

might be a cdn

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

worst case is we turn off outgoing connections during the update, which will sparingly

Jason NY @PF-3527

Ye no big deal

Jake AR @PF-3320

after it finished updating, then I will create a checklist of things to verify work that we can check each time we do updates

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, I know what the problems were last time we tried to update and it broke the schema

Jason NY @PF-3527

will check for any of those

Jake AR @PF-3320

so now I have the issue I ran out of space on the VM

Jake AR @PF-3320

i need to find where the rocketchat images are being saved so I can purge the old ones

Jason NY @PF-3527

You can use du command to find it

Jason NY @PF-3527

du -cha --max-depth=1

Jason NY @PF-3527

or in / directory
du -aBM -d 1 . | sort -nr | head -20

Jake AR @PF-3320

trying that now

Jake AR @PF-3320

Also the update broke it once it hit doubledigits 3.10.0

Jake AR @PF-3320

it was dowloading them but not updating the docker compose file

Jason NY @PF-3527

broke schema or broke script?

Jake AR @PF-3320

so some schema may not have updated, but worst case we just need to resart the snapshot and do it again, I fixed the script

Jake AR @PF-3320

i dont know what version it left off of, so it may have skipped some

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 15, 2021 12:49 AM
Jason NY @PF-3527

I will have a look for schema issues

Jake AR @PF-3320

so what do I do from here

Jason NY @PF-3527

du -sh /var/*/

Jake AR @PF-3320

okay so search each largest folder

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320

stuff is starting to look weird

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 15, 2021 12:51 AM
Jason NY @PF-3527

okay one sec, checking it out now

Jake AR @PF-3320

UI changes

Jake AR @PF-3320

will have to fix CSS

Jake AR @PF-3320

not too bad tho

Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm not seeing any issues w/ the db schema

Jason NY @PF-3527

css issues, ya

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

so how do you know schema is good?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Last time certain tabs in admin panel didn't open properly, threw red error at top of screen

Jason NY @PF-3527

and also I checked if db queries worked as expected and they did

Jason NY @PF-3527

generally not seeing anything that isn't working as expected

Jason NY @PF-3527

Michael TX might know more about what schema issues arise w/ bad update

Jason NY @PF-3527

also, in "View Logs" section of admin panel there's no errors being thrown

Jason NY @PF-3527

I sent "hello world" and it was logged correctly

Jake AR @PF-3320

okay cool

Jake AR @PF-3320

so this is working, just ran out of space and also a small bug in script

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay. Are we going to have to do this process all over again or is Thomas cool w/ losing everything that was sent to database since the clone was made?

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jason NY @PF-3527

Actually I'll just assume we will have to restart this process because I'm sure Thomas will also want to give input with sorting out the css

Jake AR @PF-3320

that cleans it I think

Jason NY @PF-3527

cleans the images?

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320

I think we will do this all over again since I will have to go through CSS and fix stuff and hide/disable new features

Jason NY @PF-3527

Ye figured, at least we have the script now

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea, If we do overnight and already have the CSS fixes, then it should just run and take a couple hours

Jake AR @PF-3320

also I will have to test all custom scripts to make sure they are working too

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

We'll want to have Thomas make a clone of vetting and do them both at the same time

Jake AR @PF-3320

we can do one at a time

Jake AR @PF-3320

but yea, should be straight forward to do vetting. Same issues between both

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320

just incase there is stuff we missed, I just wanna do one at a time

Jake AR @PF-3320

pruned 30gb, nice

Jake AR @PF-3320

back in business, off to 3.12.3

Jake AR @PF-3320

prunes right after RC starts up again, so we wont run out of space, each version takes up 800mb

Jason NY @PF-3527

Awesome. The arrows and message identifier scripts are broken but the in-built debugger in firefox should make that very easy to fix.

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea, I bet element names changes

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

getElementByClassName is undefined

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea, something to do tomorrow lol

Jake AR @PF-3320

pajeet running out of curry to burn

Jake AR @PF-3320

I like to think we have a good operation here. I can't imagine anyone accurately estimating the infrastructure we have here. Solid team

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jake AR @PF-3320


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