(DM) Tyler CT & Mike RI

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Mike RI @PF-8894


Tyler CT @PF-365252

Why are all the camera shots from so low? oh, never mind xD

Tyler CT @PF-365252

I'm just fucking with you ha ha

Mike RI @PF-8894

Some of the video has like a yellow tinge to it

Mike RI @PF-8894


Mike RI @PF-8894

it has to do with my camera screen protector I think

Mike RI @PF-8894

So when the flash was on

Mike RI @PF-8894

It lit up under the protector a bit and left a yellow glow on the lens

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Alright. Hopefully it's usable. I'll download it all before I watch any.

Mike RI @PF-8894

I mean I think its definatley usable

Mike RI @PF-8894

You tell me

Mike RI @PF-8894

When you look

Mike RI @PF-8894

Good work today btw

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Great videos. That banner in Bellingham was a real nail-biter. I didn't think you guys would get it fixed, but you did. We had similar set-backs that we overcame with our banner drops, but they weren't at that magnitude. Again, great job today!

Mike RI @PF-8894

Good glad there alright and ya to be honest after about 5 minutes of being anxious and you realize your ganna be there for a while I get significantly less nervous by the end I just stopped recording as much and kept an eye on traffic

Mike RI @PF-8894

We had one guy stop and ask us what the sign said and henry was just like WHAT WHAT I CABT HEAR YOU BRO ITS LOUD OUT HERE

Mike RI @PF-8894


Mike RI @PF-8894

My wife would like QN emergency contact from out network who will have there ephones this weekend likewise I would like one of you to have here contact in case something happens

Mike RI @PF-8894

I had her buy threema

Mike RI @PF-8894

When she sets it up

Mike RI @PF-8894

Can I give you and henrys I'd to her and vice versa

Mike RI @PF-8894

Ok action report this week my previous commitment was 4 I met that goal with 4 posts. I stickered Wilson Park in North Kingstown, RI , New England Institute of Technology in East Greenwich, RI, Hope, RI and around Lippitt Village in West Warwick, RI. My goal for next week will be just 1 because of the busy schedule. I didn't run this week but I did spend an hour a night on Monday and Tuesday sitting outside in the cold to prepare myself for the weekend lololol I also started reading The Young European: Geneva to Moscow. I am just about all prepared for the weekend just need to buy some snakcs and hand and foot warmers.

Mike RI @PF-8894

Btw I noticed I didn't see mess kits in the packing list

Mike RI @PF-8894

Should we bring them regardless

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Thanks for your action report. I saw your message from earlier; I'm just waiting on confirmation from Henry. We all may be without phones for some period of time, but I expect to have access to mine for a bit more than other people since my vehicle may be used for transport during the weekend.

Tyler CT @PF-365252

It doesn't hurt to bring a mess kit, but I wouldn't worry about it. In philly they had paper bowls and plastic forks

Mike RI @PF-8894

True and alright let me know what henry says when you can

Mike RI @PF-8894

So tell me why I'm at this Applebee's

Mike RI @PF-8894

And they are taking extra long when they never do

Mike RI @PF-8894

On the night I have an important meeting

Mike RI @PF-8894

Tell me why Tyler

Tyler CT @PF-365252

You can share the Threema IDs for me and Henry with your wife. Let me know what her ID is when you can.

Mike RI @PF-8894

Alright will do and also so the coordinates for the other stencil spot is here 41.6955362, -71.5413098

Mike RI @PF-8894

It is in the border of west warwick and Coventry RI

Mike RI @PF-8894

It is a small park with a bike path going over it

Mike RI @PF-8894

Hold on

Mike RI @PF-8894
Missing attachment: IMG_20211201_215149.jpg
Mike RI @PF-8894

The left side of the bridge

Mike RI @PF-8894

Near the tree line toward the south

Tyler CT @PF-365252

I added your wife as a contact

Mike RI @PF-8894

There is a very nice flat wall with graffiti all over it

Mike RI @PF-8894

Very hidden

Mike RI @PF-8894

And alright awesome thank you

Mike RI @PF-8894

My new gallery app on this ROM sucks with editing

Mike RI @PF-8894

It doesn't been have a paint option

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Ok. well I have both locations noted down. we'll be sure to get back to you with any questions. It's been a bit since we've been down to RI

Tyler CT @PF-365252

:PF-Flag: :PF-Flag: THE TIME HAS COME! :PF-Flag: :PF-Flag:
Meet-up location:
1031 N Colony Rd, Wallingford, CT 06492
Friday 12:30 am
This means late tonight just after midnight.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tyler CT @PF-365252
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 2, 2021 9:19 AM
Tyler CT @PF-365252

Yeah, America was a very liberal country when it was founded. It was probably the most liberal in the Western world except maybe France which had their revolution before us. I'm not an expert on this, but I don't see a discrepancy between George Washington's personal and public beliefs. America was founded as a melting pot of sorts where anyone willing to work hard and be a good person could come to prosper (assuming they're white lol). I think to some degree, that's a an achievable goal, but of course these days it's gone too far. The only problem I see is that America had Jewish financiers to get it going. I think it's just an unfortunate fact of life that most of the world's resources are held by a tiny group of people with equally tiny hats.

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Also, when Washington talks about bigotry, I don't think he's referring to whites who called their slaves "niggers". I think that term has evolved quite a bit since his time.

Mike RI @PF-8894

This is sort of true

Tyler CT @PF-365252

Back in the day, when people said stuff like "everyone's welcome in this country", I think there's an implication that they're only referring to whites. The sure as hell were not referring to the Native Americans lol

Mike RI @PF-8894

I guess my point is though we have to be honest about some of our founders because at the end of the day they weren't the yeoman farmer that we thing of as the American revolutionary. These were rich guys who saw money and they really liked jews, in the case of Hamilton he essentially was one. And they used white people of Americas talking points to get them on board with this war only to instantly install a state that never had there interests in mind. I believe we have to be willing to tear down whatever is needed to build our new nation to build a real american nationalism because from the beginning of this States inception it was against the nation not for it.

Mike RI @PF-8894

I would say though that in the case of George Washington he really did mean anyone

Mike RI @PF-8894

There is a particular private letter to hisfarm manager he wrote

Mike RI @PF-8894

That pretty much says america is for the poor and down trodden as long as they work. He tells the guy to go out and hire Muslims Jews blacks whom ever to work he cares not where they are from to help his farm

Tyler CT @PF-365252

I disagree. The founders for the most part did agree that an aristocracy should control the government, but that aristocracy had an obligation to follow the will of the people. When this government was first created, the founders struck a careful balance between having some power lie with the common man and having some power lie with the aristocracy. I think they had a pretty good balance in the beginning, and I think that their intentions were mostly pure. They were wealthy people, and history has glossed over that fact a bit, but they served their nations to the benefit of their nations.

Mike RI @PF-8894

Do you know the history of how we got our constitution

Mike RI @PF-8894

You realize they essentially did it against the will of the people

Tyler CT @PF-365252

They had a bunch of conventions right? The US constitution was based largely off of state constitutions such as Massachusetts. It's my understanding that these state constitutions where organically developed and approved of by the people.

Mike RI @PF-8894

The articles of the confederation were approved by the people

Mike RI @PF-8894

That's what they went to the convention to "edit"

Mike RI @PF-8894

What they ended up doing against the will of the people

Mike RI @PF-8894

Was throwing them out entirely

Mike RI @PF-8894

And replacing it with the constitution

Mike RI @PF-8894

With no bill of rights at the time mind you

Mike RI @PF-8894

Which is the only thing anyone actually likes about the constitution

Mike RI @PF-8894

My state

Mike RI @PF-8894

Didn't even send anyone to the convention

Mike RI @PF-8894

Because they knew what they were doing

Mike RI @PF-8894

It was illegally ratified

Tyler CT @PF-365252

well it was ratified without RI. RI remained a sovereign state for a while

Mike RI @PF-8894

Ya that was illegal though

Mike RI @PF-8894

It needed to be approved by the union all of the states

Mike RI @PF-8894

It was not

Mike RI @PF-8894

And btw just to clarify I'm not saying I don't think the articles had flaws

Mike RI @PF-8894

I'm just saying the idea that these people had any interest in the nation from the start is to me absurd

Mike RI @PF-8894

Even the Boston tea party

Tyler CT @PF-365252

I think rules have to be bent a bit in politics. I don't know enough to solidly take one side or the other on this issue, but I don't think it's fair to say the the founders were secret SJWs or that they didn't care for this nation. Many of them fought for it. They risked their lives (and their wealth) for their beliefs which I think is enough proof of their commitment to their convictions.

Mike RI @PF-8894

The Boston tea party wasn't what its billed as lol Alexander Hamilton had stock in the tea trade

Mike RI @PF-8894

He was one of the primary planners for it

Tyler CT @PF-365252

That is a little fucky lol

Mike RI @PF-8894

I haven't reqd the book yet

Mike RI @PF-8894


Mike RI @PF-8894

There is suppose to be a good book

Mike RI @PF-8894

Called the Economic History of the Constitution

Mike RI @PF-8894

Or something like that

Mike RI @PF-8894

And it goes into all ofthe connections some of the founders had so some of the laws put into our constitution and such economic events around the revolution also

Mike RI @PF-8894

I have it on my list so when I read it hell you can even check it out to obviously but its a good conversation to have

Tyler CT @PF-365252

There may have been other influences behind certain actions during the Revolution, but I think the big-picture concepts are correct. Britain shouldn't make the rules in America, and they should tax us for their own benefit. Also, we did create one hell of a country before it all fell apart shortly after WW2.

Mike RI @PF-8894

I agree with you here I just don't believe that's the result of the state or many of its founders its the result of us

Mike RI @PF-8894

One of the first actions George Washington ever took as president

Mike RI @PF-8894

Was declare war on whiskey farmers for not paying there taxes that were unconstitutional mind you

Mike RI @PF-8894

American whiskey farmers

Mike RI @PF-8894

He marched on our people because they wouldn't submit to tyranny right from the start of the state! Lol

Tyler CT @PF-365252

The Federal government has been steadily growing in power (often illegally) since its founding. I'll admit that.

Mike RI @PF-8894

Well yes I guess this requires a lot of nuance here because I believe in a strong central government to some degree

Mike RI @PF-8894

But I believe in one FOR THE PEOPLE and I feel like since the very beginning our people have been deprived of a true nation state

Mike RI @PF-8894

And one of the reasons I joined PF

Mike RI @PF-8894

Is because of this even if I disagree on some of the quotes in the manifesto

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