(DM) Thomas & Benjamin MI

RocketChat ID: 2oFkW8upLvwn5yDENn8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

What is a spreadsheet operator? Depending on what that is, I may be interested in that or the photo editing team. Makes sense to have someone who does photography also have the skills to do editing as well

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Oh also, is there a certain visible yellow jacket I should get since I will be recording/taking pictures during our next bake sale, or will any be ok?

Thomas @thomas

Message @PC - Jesse CO about photo editing.

Message @Mason TX about the high vis vest.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Hey Thomas, random question. I know someone on Telegram who runs a podcast that gets between "8-10K views on all social media platforms". I always try to shill PF and will say my "friend" is in it and because of that I know some stuff about it and what PF stands for. He asked me if I could ask "my friend" if you would be up for an interview with him on the podcast, I told him I would ask. The Podcasts are called "TexasVetsPodcasts". If this is something that would be on the table, let me know what forms of communication he needs to take to get it working. I totally understand if you don't want too, or frankly don't care. He is a boomer so there is that (If you are familiar with "Daughter of Albion", she said he was a bit radical and refused an interview with him).

His Gab is "TexasVet" and has just shy of 25K followers, only about 1200 on telegram but does have a telegram chat which is how I found out about him.

Thomas @thomas

Didn't he interview with that Hammer guy and/or NSC?

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I know he interviewed Hammer, not sure about NSC

Thomas @thomas

I'll give one of his a listen and get back to you.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Alright. I have not listened to one of his podcasts so I dont know what you would expect

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I just looked on his archieve he gave me, nothing came up when I searched "nsc" or "131"

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

It's everything I took at the demo, including a walk around of the damage at the vehicle exchange as a "just in case"

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Most of the video is recorded in 60fps HD. As it got later I started to take more video just because there was way more stuff going on, and the video was coming out better than the pictures in low night from what I could see

Thomas @thomas

Very good.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I have all but about 4-5 videos unloaded. I'm leaving the hotel and will be driving to my place to upload the rest. I'll let you know when it's all uploaded.
Also I was thinking I could take some of the pictures I took and edit them and send them to you to see what you think. I'm kind of surprised how well some of them turned out tbh

Thomas @thomas

Sure thing. Will do.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Just letting you know all the files have been uploaded on that mega link

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Who was in charge of collecting flags? We had to use the 2 flags for our cluster for the demo, what are the steps to get replacements for them? It was a chevron and a 13 star

Thomas @thomas

Attend the next event and get some.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Someone recorded the meeting and put it on Twitter, even after the purge of Vincent WA. Not sure if you know but figured I would tell you just incase

Thomas @thomas

Yeah, I heard about that.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Figured, didn't realize it was posted days ago until after I sent it to you

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Any chance you can hop on mumble and verify us? There are about 15 guys waiting

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

It's mine as well as my mobile

Benjamin MI @PF-765244


Benjamin MI @PF-765244


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