(DM) Johnny MI & Matthew MN & Vincent WA

RocketChat ID: rmAQyknrZDBPg5Htz

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Johnny MI @PF-729120

Oh its not specifically related to OPSEC insofar as activism within PF goes. I was just thinking I'd cover broader areas of computer and internet privacy.

Examples would include alternative operating systems for cell phones and desktop, encryption, creating an anonymous online identity, etc. Alternative apps which can be found outside google and apple stores which function just as well as their counterparts, and so on.

It's how to get away from the use of big tech services, avoiding the surveillance that using these services entail. Even though one might be doing all sorts of things to keep their IRL OPSEC top tier, the online and computer side of things people often are unaware of how or why to consider alternatives. I want to fill in some of those gaps. Its just a chat in Mumble I promised some people I was going to have with them and I figured why not do so with as many of our guys interested.

Matthew MN @PF-6495

What time are you thinking?

Johnny MI @PF-729120


Vincent WA @PF-422754

It sounds like you might be a GrapheneOS user, Johnny?

Johnny MI @PF-729120

Yes I am!

Matthew MN @PF-6495

Oh I was at an event tonight.

Matthew MN @PF-6495

The biggest step to OPSEC is deleting all social media, that is the largest bang for your buck. I also use Protonmail and have one alias for my normie stuff and another for my wignat stuff.

Johnny MI @PF-729120

As I understand protonmail is potentially compromised? I can't remember why just something I read.

Totally agree on the deletion of social media. Also the deleting of old accounts, hadn't thought about that myself. I usually delete old stuff though anyway just out of habit.

The only thing I disagree on is that we just assume services will be hacked. I mean sure, we should assume that they might and could be ultimately, but I think their is an array of alternative technology and services which could aid people in making it less likely for this to occur, or for them to have any reason to want to target you to begin with. Things like Graphene OS for mobile, VPNs, Tor, Tails, Qubes, online phone services like Jmp.chat , as well as a whole host of privacy minded alternative apps for your everyday life. Plus the more people who use them adopt them, the less power google has generally.

Anyways- would it be possible for you guys to attend? You both were recommended for having skills in this area so I'd really appreciate it. Would November 24 at 8pm work?

Matthew MN @PF-6495

Nov 24 at 8 works for me

Vincent WA @PF-422754

Should work for me

Vincent WA @PF-422754

If it doesn't I won't know until the last minute

Vincent WA @PF-422754

I just realized I totally missed this. Had a conflict

Matthew MN @PF-6495


Johnny MI @PF-729120

Its OK, no one showed up yet lol. I admit, seems most people aren't ready yet to begin thinking about the day when more advanced computer knowledge is necessary to continue dissident communication and other applications of tech opsec. Encryption is still effective and government mandatory backdoors to encrypted platforms are still not a thing but they want to do this effectively. We can't all just "leave or phones at home" either way though, I personally was told you guys know alot about this stuff yourselves, would love a time to chat on mumble with you

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