(DM) Thomas & ND - John WA

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Thomas @thomas

Who is [REDACTED]?

Dude is leader of John brown gun club

Vincent tx hasn’t shown you yet?

I got his real name and identity

Thomas @thomas

I saw the beginnings of a dossier.

Missing attachment: A871DD4E-BDF7-40B3-A3C0-29624F6F42D1.jpeg
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I’m worried I might get a knock. Moved all my pf materials and political stuff out into Ethan’s car to take to his house. Will do the same with Tyler.

Thomas @thomas

Saw the pictures.

Do that.

Remove Paul WA

Thomas @thomas


Is too scared to do activism.

Check his last login too

Thomas @thomas

Last login
November 28, 2021 5:18 AM


Thank you

I’m really down about all this

Thomas @thomas

Being "down" about it isn't the proper response.


Thomas @thomas

People's lackadaisical conduct and meme posting in the local channel is likely going to harm the organization's reputation.

Yeah I know

I really drove the point home to them during the weekend to pretend like they have a microphone on them at all times that can be made public information.

I’ll do my best to implement that further.

Thomas @thomas

Get a solid list together of actual responses and changes.

I will

I’m going to write up a document essentially


I KNEW he was fish

When everyone in the network is sus of someone they really gotta go

I knew it

Thomas @thomas

If you knew, then you would have done something. Do not let hindsight warp your memory.

I let others who haven’t met him talk me down. Even the CA guys thought he was weird.

Thomas @thomas

Can't blame others fully where they lacked experience.

What’s the procedure for someone using our own stencils??

Vincent has all those..

Thomas @thomas

I don't think he would go so far as to misuse them. It would only place him in danger.

When did Vincent WA join?

He had pics of Neil WA who left in April early in the year.

I think those pictures were taken by Robert WA former member.^

He was in the same time as Neil and I had you remove him because I sniffed him out hard.

Thomas @thomas
Thomas @thomas

Created at
August 2, 2021 4:56 AM

Last login
December 5, 2021 11:24 AM

Thomas @thomas

(Last login was me)

Wow. 5 whole months.

This is fucked

I am concerned all of us or at least Tyler will get charged for the Olympia mural if Vincent aka [REDACTED] would send it into the police. What are your thoughts on this?

I’d like to schedule a mumble call with you tomorrow with everyone else

Thomas @thomas

Remain calm. Speculation on what he will/won't do isn't valuable. Prepare widely.

I am just now getting on the road leaving Virginia. In a couple hours. It's just me and Mason so it's another day until I'm off the road. That's time to get everyone doing dox prep and get a plan together for moving forward like I said.

Do guys even have to answer the door to police? If they have a warrant won’t they just let themselves in?

Important meeting tonight 5pm. PST

Thomas @thomas

If they have a warrant they can be let in or they will break their way in. You would rather let them in at that point or else they will be violent. If they do not have one they won't enter unless you let them.

Thomas @thomas

I am on the road. I will be on tonight when I stop at a hotel, but cannot confirm precise times. Take notes and we can review when I am stationary.

Meeting in 20

ND - John WA @PF-3194

The spat between Sam and I was nothing. We take it over. It’s of the utmost importance that we consult all these gentleman on what to do after getting doxxed or what they can expect. They need that right now.

Thomas @thomas

If we can't reliably conduct a meeting under pressure then it's going to be a problem.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

My guys are freaking out

Thomas @thomas

That won't help.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

We can hold the meeting reliably.

Thomas @thomas

I will be at a hotel in 2hrs, and home tomorrow night.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

Okay. Tomorrow night it is.

Thomas @thomas

I think you need to start looking into the accomplice theory.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

That Vincent might have an accomplice?

ND - John WA @PF-3194

In my region?

Thomas @thomas


Not necessarily.

ND - John WA @PF-3194


ND - John WA @PF-3194

I got the list of those who got an invite from him

ND - John WA @PF-3194

I’m going to take a fat guess and say it’s someone in California. The dox from Paul was published there by Berkeley Antifa.

Thomas @thomas

Guesses aren't the best right now. Step back. Think, and get some educated guesses on the table. Send those to me and then I will relay them. Do not spread paranoia.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

I think that idea is reasonable

ND - John WA @PF-3194

or it was someone in NW8 and beyond telegram channel

Thomas @thomas

Great. Keep working on it.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

Which is someone in my region

ND - John WA @PF-3194

2 options

Thomas @thomas

I can't sit and help you speculate. You need to put some details together and get it back to me.

ND - John WA @PF-3194

Actually I think the first makes the most sense. Antifa groups send info to other groups in other states and work alongside them.

ND - John WA @PF-3194


ND - John WA @PF-3194


Thomas @thomas

Need to get Tyler or who ever to stop doing anything related to whatever gun printing nonsense is discussed in the fox. All that needs to be trashed and destroyed.

Already taken care of. It’s also all legal pertaining to Washington state law.

Thomas @thomas

Federal law supersedes all state laws. Federal harassment requires no law.

I’d have to ask him the federal laws on that.

But yes it’s all gone

Somewhere far away. Boating accident.

Meeting tomorrow 6:00pm pst?


Matthew MN needs Vincent WA day he joined

We may have a lead on someone else

Thomas @thomas


The infiltrator

Thomas @thomas


We think we have screenshots that predate Vincent’s birthday on the server.

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