(DM) NQ - Henry MA & Norman MA

RocketChat ID: NgWh7CJyCkMCtCsRTgtFhadY5g68zcQg7u

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Norman MA @PF-562149

Wonderful. I have told my girlfriend that I will be going camping for a couple days with friends those weekends. All she asks is that I text her before going to bed

@Norman MA You available for a mumble meeting tomorrow?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Hey just saw this. I’ll be free for a Mumble meeting tomorrow evening!

What time?

Norman MA @PF-562149

I can talk on my walk home from work today?

Norman MA @PF-562149

You around?

9 PM tomorrow please

Norman MA @PF-562149

I can try to make that, sure.

We will be on at 9 PM see you there bro

@Norman MA We on now

U ready?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Hey. Yeah are you ready?

Yes hop on bruh

Mumble Room 2

U good?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Yeah! Just super busy. How have you been?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Planning on stickering tonight.

Hell yes. I'm doin the same bruh. Go for a nice long walk. Let no one strut 10 ft in the streets of Boston without the greetings of the National Spirit!

Norman MA @PF-562149

Hey man at 7pm tonight I have to go to this work Thanksgiving thing. I might be leaving by 8pm but if not I will let you know.

Norman MA @PF-562149

Ok I can make the meeting for a src

We need to hear from you on how you're doin bud. Communicate @Norman MA

Josh NH will be giving you a ride to the Rendezvous as well. Coordinate with him please, and meet him somewhere he can pick you up

You home bud?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Just got back to my apartment today. Heading home again soon.

What's your status?

Norman MA @PF-562149

Currently am home. Will be back in Boston on Monday.

Norman MA @PF-562149

Can we call on Mondayv

Norman MA @PF-562149

on Monday

Yes we will

@Norman MA Need a time Monday night. When are you available?

@Norman MA
Norman, you're lack of commitment to this Org in your membership thus far is disappointing. This Organization is not a hobby nor fashion statement. PF is not some side project that you can pick and choose when to act and then relish in being a member anyway. This is an elite Org at the forefront of Nationalizing the masses. This task requires every member to place this Org and its Activism at the top of priorities in their life. EVERY OTHER MEMBER carves out a place for this Revolutionary Work in their lives no matter how difficult it is for them. Your inability to meet this standard in attendance, promotional material workload, and even communication with us has shown you are ineffective as an activist and undeserving of membership. If you wish to recover your status DM me by 9 PM tonight.

Norman MA @PF-562149

I apologize for the lack of communication on my part. When are you available to speak tonight?

8 PM

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