(DM) Marcus NC & Jesse NC

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Jesse NC @PF-474823

Do you not want me to go to the Greer interview?

Jesse NC @PF-474823

Also we had a Asheville applicant as well?

Marcus NC @PF-983334

The greer guy is in Greensville - would be great if you could make it.

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Nah, just two SC

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Q15: Feels that his religious beliefs can be at odds with his political beliefs. The clergy does not tend to concern themselves with politics. He hasn't fully reconciled these differences. He is still a work in progress. Dislikes how his clergy can state that they should support Trump and Israel but refuses to make a stand for racial or cultural issues.
Q16: Read Atlas Shrugged after returning from Ireland, read it several times. Believes that Capitalism, like Communism, can work in a perfect world, but that would require us living in a completely homogenous nation with very strong in-group preference. Read lots of history and war books. Also read 12 Rules for Life.
Q17: Can run a 5k in 30 minutes or so. One miles takes him about 8 minutes. No organized fitness routine, but functionally strong and works out with calisthenics often. Did some Jiu Jutsu for a year. 5'11, 210 pounds.
Q18: Ideal family structure is the nuclear family of racially similar people. Despises homosexuality. Mothers use the courts against fathers and turn the kids gay or sleep around with other men. There is no solid family structure in American society. Personally, he had a great upbringing. Tight knit family with a good neighborhood.
Q19: Admires Robert E. Lee. He was a great military architect and had good opinions about the role of government in our society.
Q20: Utterly despises Woodrow Wilson. He allowed the Federal Reserve to form and established income tax in this country. Apparently he lamented what he did, but did nothing to fix it. People like him and Roosevelt set the country up for failure.
Q21: The Nationalist movement is more populist and hypercapitalist than real Nationalists. They have no true identity or knowledge about what it will take to resurrect this country. They don't know about blood and soil, they're just on the Trump bandwagon. Solutions to this come from building racial consciousness. We must show them that this current national existence is a dead end path. Our organization and the National Justice Party are the best shot at fixing the direction our country is going in. Our ideas can be infammatory, but the logic is sound and we can spread our ideas throughout America by speaking with a sound mind.
Q22: Has a good job right now, wants to get more involved in the political struggle of our People. Wants to be a part of a positive movement that he can be proud of contributing to.

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Conductor: Tyler SD
Notetaker: Jesse AR

Result: Accepted

Test Question: How long ago did you apply? Week and a half ago.
Political Ideology: Conservative most of his life, used to be Libertarian. Now likes National Socialist ideology.
Transportation: Yes
Permanent Resident or Moving: Perm
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Church of God, Protestant. No issues with other faiths
Why Join: Wants to make the country better for the Americans of the future, as he has enjoyed the benefits of past Americans fighting for us.
Skills: Engineer, Welder. Fire and EMT training. First responder training. Avid hunter, done some Jiu Jutsu and boxing.
Read Manifesto: Yes, once. Struggles somewhat with the idea of making America a land for our People, White Europeans, but he does have racial allegiances. Quotes a part he found hauntingly true: "The same population that has been imported to supersede the nation will then be enslaved upon our ashes."

Q1: No past interviews.
Q2: No crimes. No government employ.
Q3: No ailments.
Q4: Family was Conservative, Bible-belt Republican types. After 2004 or 2005, found the official story of 9/11 questionable, and became more open to "redpills". Questioned more, until he realized that our governing body of this country had been infiltrated by Bolsheviks who want to destroy his Race just like they did in Russia. Once he joined Telegram, he really started to learn about things like the Holodomor and why it happened. Used to be staunchly against the 3rd Reich, but once he learned why the Fascist movements had started, his perspective changed. His racial identity is strong. The Manifesto repeated many of his recent thoughts.
Q5: Found out about us from news articles about a year ago. Remembered our symbolism, and then saw us on Telegram again, which made him interested in looking into us. After realizing the scale of our struggle, that our Race is under attack, he though "Why not?" and wanted to join.
Q6: Unfamiliar with Civic Nationalism. There is an ethnic component to being an American. Our system and government came from our heritage as Anglo Saxons and is passed on through the blood of our People. Our ways are foreign to outsiders. We have some responsibility over the other kinds of people we chose to bring to our lands, however. It is a hard question to answer about what to do about this.
Q7: Ancestry is Irish partly, and has family that fought in the Civil War. Describes himself ethnically as a "Dirty White Boy", Scotch-Irish descent.
Q8: Been to a few rallies before, briefly prospected with the Proud Boys, wasn't his crowd. Some good guys but some drug users and miscreants. That was in early 2020. Most of his family are Conservatives. No truly likeminded friends or family.
Q9: Violence is justified in self defense, defense of property. Violence is justified when you have enemies within your nation that are seeking to enslave and destroy your people. There are certain political groups that hurt and kill people and violence is justified against them. Would be able to conduct himself in the same way as activists during organizational events. Agrees with and Understands the Violence Statement.
Q10: Last fight was when him and a friend got into a fistfight a few months ago. Nothing serious. Prior to that, a guy attempted to rob him at an ATM and he defended himself and ran off.
Q11: Decent amount of free time, first shift job. Weekends are open. Has autonomy over his ours, he is salaried. Would be able to attend weekly meetings.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is censorship. Media control denies Americans the ability to decide for themselves about big threats. Judeo-Left Bolshevik Commie Banker Globalists control the media.
Q13: Gets his info from Drudge Report daily, likes Infowars more for entertainment than real info. Has Telegram, follows Western Chauvinist and War on Whites.
Q14: Labels himself as a Conservative. Spent some time in Ireland, and saw the forces at work over there are the same as the ones here. They were being flooded with immigration and financial domination. Read Levin's Liberty and Tyrrany which solidified his beliefs in the American values of the Constitution and limited government, because he was seeing a place that has a very rich culture being destroyed through the destruction of those values. Knows that if the enemy could, they would condemn him to death for his beliefs. Currently, he looks at that book in a different light because Mark Levin never named who started the Bolshevik movement. Unsure about Levin's motivations currently.

Jesse NC @PF-474823

What time does he want to do the interview?

Jesse NC @PF-474823

The earlier the better !

Marcus NC @PF-983334

5:30 pm - rip. He is free on Saturday's - so if you can't make it, I'll be sure to you guys together as soon as possible

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Sorry for the Sunday - I got sons of confederacy parade Saturday

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