(DM) NQ - Austin TX & Patrick TX
RocketChat ID: 55QNyLQBvSPhMRuK9v6jbBpfYNgF5BEcDT
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I'll get some Legos for the little king
Cool man
Starting to see some abs poking out during vacuum pose 🤙🏻
Too early to tell if the Yohimbine is having an effect on fat but the appetite suppression and energy boost is definitely noticable
PR song DU jour
Crushing push workout on little sleep..wagmi
Made BEAUTIFUL RIOT SHIELDS all day w Adam TX the Untaggable One

...thought this was LR chat heh
Just cute schizo lifter things
Why u slither away so quick yesterday guy
Had an early meeting I needed to wake up for

15 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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