Message from PF-8472

RocketChat ID: SNayTF8QvXYnEBwTY

and has laid off any and all snacks minus the occasional fizzy subversive

While I've lost the weight I unfortunately can't say this so much. I do still struggle with snacking (though admittedly it has lessened significantly over the past month) and caffeine is still one of my, if not the, biggest vices I have. I've lessened the impact of that vice mainly by switching to zero calorie options such as Bang (finally found several flavors I like) or Monster Zero Ultras (had one today) and, if I do have a sugary one, I balance it out with the 30 minutes to an hour that I spend on the treadmill doing 12% incline walks at 3-4mph, which more than burns off the calories from the drink. I still have my vices, but I'm doing my best to make sure that they don't stop my progress.

That being said, I will make it a goal to not have any caffeine at least from the moment I leave for the event on friday, if not longer.