Message from PF-7890

RocketChat ID: iQpTBMLSca96BBDWQ

Regarding the infiltrater I have some questions and concerns I could not get across in the Mumble meeting and are important enough that I would like YOU PERSONALLY to hear them. ---These questions are rhetorical and I don't want them answered.--- 1) how did he know to hop on Mumble at the specified time of 5pm today? - he was not lounging about the lobby, he Came IN the meeting room once it began- 2)was he in contact with anyone else in the org during the demo? -The timing of his dox release and our attempted sabotage at the vehicle exchange is telling. 3) He called for other infiltrators to reach out to him during the 5pm Mumble meeting. Could we use this to our advantage? -I WOULD NOT ASK THIS TO ANYONE BUT YOU THOMAS PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT- 4) are there any specific tasks you would like l me to complete, or questions you would like me to answer? I am open to all scrutiny from you and leadership. Right now, my mind is playing tricks on me and I feel very vulnerable. Forgive me if this message comes at an inconvenient time. I am certain you're busy right now b with everything. I am sorry this has happened to the org and promise you sincerely that I will do my part to insure security and duty to the organization as we go on. -Jack WA