Message from PF-3527

RocketChat ID: KXBjLk59wGT5gM79W

Interviewee: 889563
Age:27/State:WA/City:Seattle (perm res)
Date: 8/7/21
Conductor: JesseAR
Notes: JasonTX


Test: current event: biden giving away citizenship to 500,000 thousand indians, covid lockdowns
Pol. Ideo.: doesn't know
Transport: yes
Drugs: smoked a lot a weed for a while, uses occasionally, every week or two. smokes cigarettes with parents when they visit.
Rel: vaguely christian, raised catholic
Why join: just wanna meet up with more people, secure a future for us, further "our cause", multiracialism isn't desirable, shouldn't be ashamed of what we are.
Skills: people skills, some camping, used to do some hiking
Manifesto: yes, liked it. doesn't see a gameplan/end goal. can't remember any quotes. likes how it says we're part of the greater diaspora. descendents of Europeans but we aren't European. Needs to be more consice. More specifics.

Q1: hasn't interviewed with us before.

Q2: has been arrested for attempted burglary. broke and stole a gas can out of someone's yard. not charged. no govt employment.

Q3: minor vision problems.

Q4: dad was a democrat. went hunting with a friend. thought republicans were coolbecause they also hunt. became a "shitlib." voted for obama. went into a union. voted for jill stein during 2016. liked what trump was saying. redpill moment was a ben shapiro video on transgenders. started listening to steven crowder, owen benjamin (woke him up on the jq). OB taught him about not mastubating and starting families. found nick fuentes after OB. then started hearing more racial politics from fuentes. went on telegram to follow fuentes and benjamin. came across a thomas sewell video. sewell said to join your local white gang. nsc said to join pf. fuentes said pf is a honeypot, other people were saying we are legit. said "f it, i'll look into these guys."

Q5: first time seeing us was our second DC march, lost interest, then found us again in telegram. we are professional, not doing anything too crazy. with us he could make a difference without doing something stupid.

Q6: civic nationalism is a nice idea but it's not possible for all these different cultures to become one. multiracialism exists to destroy us. jews are behind mass migration, tranny story hours, gay marriage but this wouldn't happen if whites weren't complicit. not sure about white genocide. can foreigners become American? maybe. a German that comes to America and has kids with an American woman, those kids are American. Mexicans don't assimilate. people out of Europe can assimilate. other people can fit in and adapt but aren't American. you have to be of European descent, live in America for generations, speak English. non-Whites can "kind of" be American.

Q7: family has been in America at least 6 generations. isn't sure if his family goes back to the founding. some english, scottish, polish, irish, western russian. is White American/Euro-American.

Q8: no past groups or activism. wife is likeminded. mom is slightly likeminded. has a buddy that'll say certain racial joke but hates politics. seems like a good time to get into organizing. meet new people. secure a future. make a difference. sees himself doing pics and hikes. sees himself at a demo.

Q9: violence is justified if there's a direct risk/threat against you/family/friends. understands and agrees to violence statement.
• Q10: last confrontation was when he was 13

Q11: free time depends, can be off for a few weeks or working 50+ a week. is "game" on weekends. can attend voice meetings. can do stickering weekly.

Q12: biggest threat to America is ourselves, not paying attention. low morality. afraid to speak out. doesn't rule out electoral politics. it's still worth pursuing.

Q13: on telegram follows owen benjamin, thomas sewell, rob rundo, steve franssen, nrm, PF, western chauv.

Q14: labels self "nationalist." just thinks people should be with their own. works in a trade, is around mexicans, they seem to not have a desire to be American. they hang with their own, they speak spanish.

Q15: has not strong religious beliefs. church in the mainstream has been subverted. pope is a weirdo.

Q16: hasn't read much. read "death of the west" recently. stuff is worse than predicted in that book. the book spells out the demographic change/shift.

Q17: can run a mile under 10min. 6'4" 195lbs

Q18: stay at home wife, kids. today people are turned off having kids. people worry more about finances than having kids. family went to church, parents divorced when he was young, mom remarried, was one of two kids. homosexuality is distructive to the persons involved and around it, it shouldn't be promoted, russia and hungary are role models for how to deal with the issue, keep it to yourself. gays and trans shouldn't be allowed to adopt chldren.

Q19: admires Andrew Jackson, was against the banks

Q20: despises LBJ, 1965 immigration act

Q21: nationalist movement is small and disjointed, not much unity. talking heads such as fuentes like to divide.