Message from PF-982856

RocketChat ID: DZNocvfAhiLSS6vtf

The next hike will be an immense improvement. We're going to be in Missouri down in the Ozarks hiking along the current / black rivers. We'll be camping on a sandy "beach head" hidden along one of these rivers. The water comes from springs and is beautiful plus you can swim. It will be just an intense as I'll try and break the record. Believe it or not we broke it with 16 miles completed even though we only finished half of the total planned route. It was to be the ultimate challenge in the subtropics of Southern Illinois, and it was just that. Plan for 20 miles if you attend the next one and excuse the poor scenery - we have no interesting places or mountains readily available. What we DO have though are caves and elegant rivers. I'll play to my strengths from now on.