Message from PF-3527

RocketChat ID: a8tyXDQDhf8Y8bACe

Conductor: William TX
Notetaker: Jason NY


Test Q: What will be asked? Questions about politics, background, what he has to offer.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes

Political Ideology: Anti-globalist, advocates for "my group of people"

Drug Abuse: No

Religion: Questioning

Why Join: Wants to tell his descendants that he did something to spread his beliefs, likes that our organization is pro-White

Skills: Drone operator, boxing experience. There may be issues w/ his availability because he is a highschool student.

Read Manifesto: Yes. He has not read it in a few months but remembers himself being very much in agreement. Cites putting America first, respecting the founding stock.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Has not interviewed in this process before.

Q2: No crimes. Was involved with the Civil Air Patrol but has not been employed by any govt entity.

Q3: No restricting ailments.

Q4: Ideological journey involved being interested in politics since his early teens, starting with libertarian ideas. During political conversations he was consistently hearing about racism and anti-black sentiments. He was skeptical of the validity of the claims of BLM and his research lead him in an alt right direction. He became interested in Donald Trump and from there he found James Allsup on youtube. Allsup became his primary source of news and he started to consider himself a staunch nationalist. He became disillusioned with the Trump movement because of in-fighting. He is now an action-oriented person, dislikes anyone who does not put their political beliefs into action. Believes that along with rights we also have certain duties, need to be men, be respectable in society. Not a civic nationalist, race is very important to him. "I am pro-White and White centric."

Q5: First found about our organization when he was searching online for pro-White organizations. He first found American Identity Movement and was interested in them until he saw our videos. Liked what he saw in our videos and thought we were a better fit for him than AIM. Our cameraderie, brotherhood and action is what influenced him to want to join.

Q6: Knows what civnat is, thinks it's an abomination. He is an ethnonationalist.

Q7: He can trace his family history in America back to the mayflower. Both sides of his family have been in America since before 1776. Describes self ethnically as Northwestern European. Has about 5% Southern European and Jewish ancestry.

Q8: 1 year ago he tried to start a branch of NSC-131 in Minnesota. He did not find many people interested in joining and cut ties with NSC-131 leadership. Infighting between NSC-131 leadership and his personal mentor resulted in him cutting ties. Some likeminded friends and family.

Q9: Violence is justified when "there has been some serious crimes committed by our enemy against our people." Violence is also justified to stop tyranny. On a more personal level he would engage in violence if violence is used against him. If he was out doing activism and he was confronted he would not engage in violence until they were really trying to hurt you. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Has never been in a physical confrontation outside of sparring.

Q11: Is typically free on week days after 2:30PM, not available on weekends. Schedule would allow for weekly meetings.

Q12: The biggest threat to America right now is leftist politics. International finance is also a significant threat. Leftist politics are destroying our identity and social norms. Believes the situation in America now is similar to early 20th century Europe.

Q13: Mostly gets his information from Telegram channels. For news he uses a website called "allsides dot com" which collects news articles from many political persuasions. Channels which he follows on telegram are Western Chauvinist, Covid Redpills, Nick Fuentes, Altskull, Breaking911. Does not consider himself to be a fan of Nick Fuentes.

Q14: If he had to put a label on his beliefs he would choose "Staunch Nationalist." Personal experiences that influenced his political label are being exposed to leftist ideology in school and attending a BLM protest where he was confronted and threatened.