Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: SvEL343cdyKCzqS7y

I will be on the road tonight, traveling to the destination to help in early prep.

Make sure to cover:
Vehicle Exchange
Who is driving? (Vincent rents van, you take your car?, Paul takes his truck)
What gear are we bringing? (Shields, crate from house of activism supplies, orders, what else?)
Go over Long Distance Transit Guide (will link below)
How is everyone getting to the Vehicle Exchange?
How is everyone getting their money to you at the Vehicle Exchange? (Does anyone need help?)
Is there anyone we can add onto the trip last minute who couldn't make it before? (Pat has Pool Party friends, maybe Austin can go, etc.)
Go over the suspension of Matt, why it happened, cautionary tale. Inform people to cut contact.
Inform people of my absence and why, since I am on the road making sure this event is safe, conducting scouting runs, and inspecting camp sites and vehicle exchanges. This will be my second 15+ hour overnight drive of this trip.

Lean on Vincent for any matters of conducting the meeting.

Sound like a plan, my man?