Message from PF-950806

RocketChat ID: bWn96hexTJ6EPkCyG

>>>Individual packing list.<<<

We will be conducting a fitness test and drilling event. You may want to have a separate change of clothes for the fitness test for optimal performance. The weather will be in the 40s-50s.

TRAVEL AND DRILLING CLOTHING: All travel clothing items must be politically neutral, prioritize dull colors, absence of logos or identifying features. Multiple layers for weather changes and shedding of articles for en route activism. Medical masks are required use during all travel stops. Dress code jackets are not to be worn in transit, nor are any organizational patches or other identifying items.
For the trip there and back:
- Hat. (Beanie, cap, etc.)
- Sunglasses.
- Medical style mask.
- Compliant shirt, pants, jacket, shoes.

ATHLETIC CLOTHING FOR FITNESS TEST:!All athletic clothing should prioritize movement and ventilation while preserving the activist’s modesty. Shorts must not be overly short. Shirts can be sleeveless, but cannot overexpose the torso. Clothing should be absent logos, and prioritize either dull colors or be blue or white.
For athletic activities
-Shirt (neutral, no logos, or navy blue)
-Shorts or pants. (If pants, breathable materials suggested.)
- Athletic shoes
-Change of socks.

ORGANIZATION RELATED ITEMS FOR STORAGE: We are changing our method of inventory in NWX. All organization related items will be organized and maintained by leadership. Items that are needed for specific actions/events can be requested to and retrieved by leadership. Therefore, any items you have that does not include stickers/flyers or reading material should be brought with you tomorrow for collection. Keep in mind this includes your uniform articles, chiefly your hat, mask, and jacket. Khakis are not required but recommended. The reason for this change is to ensure all items which may be of interest to LE or other dissenting persons are accounted for and safely stored, in order to protect these items but more importantly our activists. DM me if you have any questions regarding this.


Lunch/snack items
Water source
Sparring gear