Message from PF-604908

RocketChat ID: sdhZhSB3jKnHreMWP

Here's the notes on the candidate Jesse reached out to you about:

<br>Interviewee-791593 (Unaffiliate)<br>27/Georgia/Columbus<br>12/06/21<br>Conductor: Jesse AR<br>Notetaker: Tyler SD<br><br>Accepted<br><br>Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?<br>Answer: A week and a half ago.<br><br><br>-- Applicant Information --<br><br>Personal Transportation: Yes<br><br>Permanent Resident: No, is active duty military; would like to live in Mid-Atlantic region, near Virginia; but really wherever he can find employment.<br><br>Political Ideology: White Nationalist; believes race is essential to Nationhood, wants country where Ethnicity is unchallenged.<br><br>Drug Abuse: No.<br><br>Religion: Non-religious, ok working with other religions.<br><br>Why Join: Has been aware of us for several years, impressed especially by Philly march; namely organization, discipline, and execution. Wants to join the org because it's comprised of high-quality people.<br><br>Skills: Physically fit, competent; can fly helicopters. Familiar with basic outdoorsmanship skills. Has basic TCCC medical training.<br><br>Read Manifesto: Yes. Wasn't sure how to interpret it the first time around, but after meeting guys at AmRen he reread and felt it was more clear towards aligning to his polit<br><br>Note: Mix of unaffiliate and regular questions to build full picture because applicate is in unique situation as he met and talked with Thomas at AmRen.<br><br>-- Unaffiliate Questions --<br><br>Q1: N/A<br><br>Q2: 27 years old.<br><br>Q3: Resides in Georgia, Columbus is nearest major city.<br><br>Q4: No criminal history. No experience with military past current contract.<br><br>Q5: To a certain degree since still in military, but wants to contribute to a higher political purpose so willing to take on more risk.<br><br>Q6: No addictions.<br><br>Q7: Yes, more than capable of excersizing restraint.<br><br>Q8: Yes, met Thomas and others at AmRen 2021.<br><br>Q9: Can fully refrain from talking to LE, journos, and other groups.<br><br>Q10: Physically fit and capable of more than keeping up.<br><br>Q11: Has no real certifications, but plenty of basic first aid training.<br><br>Q12: Generally spreading the message of the organization, but also to develop and improve members by exposing members to one another and work towards a common goal.<br><br>Q13: Yes, became aware over a year ago, but was skeptical because interpretted manifesto of vague and limited information about the event. But after meeting Thomas and other PF guys at AmRen changed mind.<br><br>Additional questions for context (skipped around as appropriate):<br><br><br>Q14: Couldn't understand why public school system was denying reality, after exposed to AmRen they outlined a political image that was more closely tied to reality. Considered self White-Nationalist in mid-teens<br><br>Q15: The biggest threat to America is that we will be usurped and never actualize the will of our people. That there are areas in the US which will be hard to reconquer.<br><br>Q16: Reads and listens to podcasts from AmRen, counter-currents; when looking for news relies on Mainstream and sifts through bias.<br><br>Q17: Admires George Washington a great deal, his ablility to excersize strategic restraint and making the most of his resources during a very long war.<br><br>Q18: Believes main flaw in current system is inability to openly communicate, that we have to be anonymous to prevent doxing, ruining livelihoods, etc. It applies constraints against us; people who would be interested can never connect because of secretive nature. Believes solution is to do more "non-anonymous" activity, because if you can get enough people to do it then they be more pro-active in excersizing and defending ideas; though admits that it will be difficult in the beginning.<br>