Message from TylerSD

RocketChat ID: sfdt2cDnT4wKLLgTj

  1. In April plans to set a record in powerlifting for his height/weight, for most of the year says "looks like a men's physique competitor". 6'1", 230lbs.

    14. Has never been doxxed.

    15. Says biggest threat to America right now is jewry because of their overall subversion; browning of America, race-mixing, porn, drug pushing, etc. (many, MANY, more examples in a short amount of time, the usual suspects).

    16. Believes that violence is not the best political solution, he's not seeking it, however, does say that it may present itself in the future if things get bad enough. Would be able to conduct self as our activists do.

    17. Last physical confrontation was during the summer, he was seeing a girl and her degenerate friends convinced them into going to a bar in an "urban" area. After leaving the bar, a black man put hands on his girl, grabbed her braid, no legal trouble from the event. Admits it's out of character for him as he doesn't harbor anger in that way.

    18. Is pretty slow to mainstream news (passively ingests them), on TG follows: The Judgement Zone, Fascist Fitness, Nationalist Division, Liveleak, Lauren Witske (then says "even though she's a gate-keeping fuck"), Fighting for Christiandom

    19. Influential works have been History of Central Banking, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The International Jew; Ford was especially influential because he was an honest man of integrity. Says Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were influential despite him not liking mormonism because they were especially antisemetic and unified until the 70s when the mossad pushed to prevent them from continuing to push back on civil rights by replacing leadership with "kike worshipers".

    20. Says ideal family structure is the Nuclear family, but states that the "zogged" modern marriage gives women undue power which is antithetical to the Bible and therefore has reservations about getting married in the current LEGAL system. Further explains how it's different from today through the normalizing of ideas which destroy what's natural. Says he "hates faggots" and degeneracy writ large, to the extent that he would get in trouble with faggots who approached him. Has indulged in promiscuity in the past, but has come to rise above that since college.

    21. Admires Henry Ford the most.

    22. Despises FDR, Hart and Cellar, the jew who were behind birth control and the 19th amendment. FDR especially.

    23. Describes nationalist movement as having problems with being too over-reactionary because they're essentially being edgy despite being right because they are not practicing American Patriotism and rather emulating the past despite different circumstances. We are Americans, not Germans, you have a new identity, a new White identity as an American. Says other issues are the gate-keeping through civnationalism which appeals loosely to the problems from the jews, but side-steps them and never addresses them in order to keep people complacent. The Organization fits in through achieving the best of what he described, but understands that we are under intense scrutiny and are doing the best in every way under the constraints applied.

    24. Sees self as owning his own business in the future, being in charge of his financial future, so that he can "build his castle" so to speak to have a strong base to build from for the future of his family. Says that he wants to help prepare in hand with the Organization to wall against whatever has yet to come.

    25. Has been entirely truthful.

    26. Believes he should join because he believes he can contribute technologically, in addition to be a great advocate for the movement.