Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: YLmuz8b2X9MFfW4qt

  1. His mom is Hungarian, born in Yugoslavia. His dad has been Texan going back three generations, from Tennessee - is Scottish-German. Calls himself a Hungary-Texan.
    6. Was raised Christian non-denominational and still holds to those beliefs, as far as the ethics go. Goes to church and reads the bible. Has sometimes felt conflict between politics and religion. Left wingers cite scripture to justify their ideology, but it is taken out of context. Sometimes it causes him to question things. Wouldn’t have issues working with other religions, as long as it’s a European linked religion.
    7. He is disciplined, organized. Was in the army for 8 years. Was a wild land firefighter. He is used to the importance of following orders and understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing. Maintenance, handy man skills. Could provide leadership, fitness, motivation. He passed an EMT class and is scheduled to take the exam next year, January. Wants to become a fire fighter.
    8. Goes to the gym a minimum every other day. Could run 10 miles. Did military combatives course and a year of Judo, achieved a green belt.

    Tertiary Evaluative Questionnaire:
    1. Hasn’t done any activism, other than when he was a kid with his parents. Most of his family is conservative or civnat. Some friends go further, others could come around. Wants to organize because its working. Could help make signs, put up stickers, spray paint. Likes our “No poison” slogan, and the stencils. Would love to be a part of demonstrations. Could help with medical service.
    2. The biggest threat to America is immigration. We don’t have control of the media or education. Education is huge; they push this backwards ideology there. Media reinforces it. We’re not in the position to be able to guide and secure our future, and that’s where we should be.
    3. Violence is justified when you’re being attack of if there is an imminent threat. You could initiate it if you could clearly prove the threat was imminent and deadly. Doesn’t believe violence is a viable choice for political change. Could remain peaceful under provocation or attack. Understands and agrees with violence statement.
    4. A couple years back there was a short confrontation but didn’t come to blows.
    5. Likes to watch Asha Logos, Devon Stack, Daily Shoah, No More News, and White Rabbit Radio.
    6. Starship Troopers was impactful on him. So was Bronze Age Mindset, and Mein Kampf.
    7. Ideal family structure is a mother and father and kids. Today, fathers are perceived as an idiot (if he’s white), but mostly single mothers are portrayed on commercials. Mothers are in a masculine, backwards, role. Or there’s interracial relations. Race-mixing isn’t good. His parents didn’t divorce, stuck together. His upbringing was fairly in line with the ideal.
    8. Admires Stonewall Jackson for his ability in the Valley Campaign to take smaller numbers and outmaneuver larger numbers and supplies. Shows a good commitment.
    9. Despises Alexander Hamilton for his push towards a central bank.
    10. Flaw of nationalist movement today is division. Understandable because its new. We need focus, direction, and sobriety. More understanding where we’re coming from, a boldness. Sees PF working, the early stages of something that could potentially garner support from all across country. Likes our nonviolent approach. Wants to be a part of our success.
    11. Wants to get hired by fire department. Wants to farm and raise a family. Would be fine with dying for the cause.
    12. Is certain that he’s been truthful.
    13. We should let him in because he’s a good guy, has a lot to contribute. Wants to be a part of the team.