Message from PF-626733

RocketChat ID: Gw7LpDLJxeZxtk2LZ

Interviewee: 899151
18/MI/Detroit (permres)
Date: 12/9/21
Conductor: JesseAR
Notes: JasonTX


Test: how long ago did you send in your app? 8-9 days ago.
Transport: no, doesn't have a license either, will get it in a few months.
Pol. Ideo.: national socialist
Drugs: no
Rel: romcath. no problem working with those of other faiths.
Why join: looking around for places to put in his time. Benjamin MI and Steven OH referred the interviewee. Know him through discord. The server is "just a group of guys". never met either of them in person. they showed him the website, told to check out the telegram, told about their experiences.
Skills: some medical stuff learn from his mother, is "willing and able",
Manifesto: liked it because it was broad. has the best interests of White America. bring back America to it's former glory.

never interviewed with us b4

no crimes. no govt employ.

no ailments.

was a big trumpster back in high school, been a republican from 2016 - 2019, at the trump vs biden election he got pissed off because trump lost. got frustrated and started talking to people. wasn't "racist" but wanted a homogenous society. something with "HomeworkHelpers88". met Benjamin MI through that. learned about national socialism from that. We're on "someone's radar" but they can not get us on something. PF is actually active. Some other groups are too extreme.

Migratory foreigners cannot become American with the proper cultural or social conditioning. You must be of the same blood. To be an American is to be of European stock who is willing to give themselves to the naiton and participate in government. Mother's side last hundred years from Poland, Father last two hundred years from Ireland and Germany. Is ethnically Polish.

No groups or prior activism. No likeminded friends or family other than Benjamin MI and Steven OH. If he was told earlier about us he would've joined earlier. Is sick of the BLM riiots, wants to do more than sit on the internet, doesn't want to waste time on video games.

Violence is justified only in self defense or whne threatened. Jesse gives a hypothetical about being threatened at a march: Inteviewee answers with how he would talk to the leaders, would try not to hurt the counter protestor, defend ourselves if necessary. Understands and agrees to the nonViolence Q.

Last confrontation ion 6th grade.

Has time, will be starting a job soon. Can attend meetings.

The biggest threat to America right now is Communism. Anyone who is threatening our trad White society. The Israelis belielve they own this land. People are board and want to destroy things. The people who are jealous of us. The JQ is a group of Jews want to see the downfall of this country because they see us as lesser and they want to destroy us like everyone else. Jews are a threat.

follows Fox News on YT, uses bitchute follows "CisWhiteMale". Telegram channel: Nick Fuentes, Patriot Front, NJP. Occassionally watches Steven Crowder.

Labels self as National Socialist. A White Nation should stay a White Nation. Lives around Detroit so he sees black violence. Doesn't want to be around that.

Read Mein Kampf, This Time the World, White Power, lots of bitchute stuff. TTTW is an autobio of GLR and he describes how our nation is devolving into shit and our people lost their way. People are greedy and impulsive. Need to restore trad values, blame the JQ. Talks about the jews and blacks. Likes when "CisWhiteMaleWithExtraPrivelege" does audiobooks.

Slim, not muscular. Trying to get a gym membership. No mma expereince. 6ft 180lbs. Has asthma. Fastest mile is an 8min mile. Can control his asthma. Carries an inhaler.

Average 1950s family. Nuclear family is ideal. Mothers aren't there to raise their families. Kids join gangs, on tiktok too much. People want instant gratification especially with sex. His parents are married and he was raised Catholic. His church community and family are very trad.

Admires GLR, was a "Nazi" and he wanted to restore America to it's former glory. Got shot.
Despises MLK, he took the masses and made them agree with Marxism. Had a dream that everyone would get along. Got rid of our culture and people through race-mixing. Made the masses believe in Leftist rhetoric.

The nationist movement is growing. The GOP is going far left, which drives people to nationalism. The govt calls us terrorists. People too afraid to speak out. Nationalist movement should appeal to those who don't know what to say. PF makes Nationalism look cool. We aren't crazy like Alex Jones or Atomwaffen.

Wants to grow his career. Read more books. Spend time with PF guys on the weekends. Give a lot of time to this group.