Message from PF-3274

RocketChat ID: wQxBJHCk5XY2dnCkD

Q13: Part of a Discord server of news aggregators. They share and post news from all over the internet. He looks at news from Twitter and Gab. He also reads news on ZeroHedge. Does not watch television or listen to radio, believes Jewish Media is a poison to the mind, looks to Twitter for live videos on events, looks to Gab users for video aggregation, reads into Mainstream online articles such as Fox News to gain further info

Q14: White Nationalism, the belief that Culture is downstream from Blood, that govt must serve white people, all experiences discussed above have influenced his label, seeing transgenderism greatly bothered him, seeing poverty, seeing drug abuse of young men ruining them as potential fathers. Does not know where he heard the term White Nationalist, believes it makes the most sense because in America we have not ethnic group, we are pan european therefore we are white, not english or german etc. Every people organizes themselves as nations, white people have the right too

Q15: Picked up the bible of his own accord, never felt the bible contradicted his growing nationalism

Q16: Mein Kampf, believes that the book relfects an accurately degenerate Weimar Germany that parallels modern society. Hitler's words contradict the modern propaganda about him. Might is Right, the strongest and most capable will survive, the weakest will die, so we must be the strongest. War of the Flea, overwhelming odds overcome by a small band of men who had a strong will and a cunning mind, Gulag Archipelago, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol 1 and 2, describes a very similar corruption between our modern Senate and the Roman Senate of then, how they presented vs. how they acted

Q17: Will run several times a week, 3 day a week progressive overload strength training. Wrestling, MMA, some grappling, did football basketball and track.

Q18: Ideal structure is a mother and father and children living in close proximity to their Grandparents so if both parents have to work then the grandparents can help, seeing the destruction of the family unit is terrible thing, missed a father figure but had both grandfathers to act as a paternal influence, got discipline and correction from them, mother worked a lot

Q19: John Adams, writings influenced him quite a bit, his expolits and involvement in the war was inspiring

Q20: FDR and his war, WW2, and all of his banking and social reforms, lies at the root of our problems today

Q21: Believes William Pierce had a lack of ability to reach the people and the masses, though he was right. Believes a common problem we've had in the movement however has been far too willing to get into street fights and gang wars with Antifa. A high degree of boyishness exists where there is no discipline. PF has discipline and refrains from getting into brawls and violence. PF has a clear goal and a professional way to spread the message. PF's uniformity and physical fitness relfects a new image of Nationalism. Sees the criticism that we're feds as retarded. Fielding respectable, fit, and disciplined activists is the answer to the charlottesville problem

Q22: Has stable employment, has recently secured employment. Wants to continue his career but also devote his free time to fighting for his people in this movement. For the future of white America.