Message from PF-604908

RocketChat ID: CBJ2Mgt4dbupMqxi5

Interviewee - 668368
Conductor: Jason TX
Notetaker: Sam MN

OUTCOME: Accepted

TEST Q: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?

A: I expect that location, what your beliefs are, and why you are where you are now.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: No, residing with family, planning on being in MI for about 9 monthes before returning to Florida.

Political Ideology: Nationalist (pride in older America, how things used to be), traditionalist ("Catholic Values")

Drug Abuse: No

Religion: Chaldean Catholic, "no issues with others, doesn't want to be swayed from beliefs or challenged"

Why Join: Not doing a lot, wants a higher purpose, to stand for what he believes in. PF in particular because of inspiration from (Media2Rise? Or Nordic Front? Doc) PA 2 part series; caught inspiration from member who came from broken home.

Skills: Body-building, Cyber-Security; hiking expirience (Appalachian Trail, some place in Ecuador)

Read Manifesto: Yes, read fully a couple of months ago; skimmed through it recently though. Did not apply after first . Agreed with most everything, but especially that America has been killed and that it requires a rebirth to recreate the values it once stood for.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: No, hasn't interviewed before.

Q2: No violations with law.

Q3: No work with Gov entitites of any sort.

Q4: No physical or mental ailments.

Q5: Got into idealogy after 2016 election, favored Trump. Radicalized through polarization in school after teachers pushing anti-traditional agenda, then steered away from Trump when he pushed support for faggot. Friend introduced him to "ultra-nationalist" through story about Japanese national who attempted to assasinate Japanese priminister to restore Japanese impirialism.

Q6: Bronze Age Pervert provided inspiration toward his ideals, in addition to Nick Fuentes for a little bit but got turned away after percieving that he was controlled opposition. Fully left the AF side when Nick said that the Holocaust "definitely happened".

Q7: Found out about PF through Telegram channel (doesn't remember channel) with clip of one of the demonstrations.

Q8: The aesthetic of the marches along with the messaging is what appealed to him and convinced him to join.

Q9: Has heard of civic-nationalist. Says it's "Neo-modern nationalist, weak nationalism". Says migratory peoples cannot become American and that there is an ethnic component; more specifically that it's teutonic: Nordic, Anglo, Germanic, etc.

Q10: Have had ancestors that fought for the Union, family orginated from Norway (Mom) & Ireland (Mom & Dad). Lived in UK for 7 years.

Q11: Ethnically Norwegian and Anglo-Irish.

Q12: Was in UK because he was young and Mom moved to UK.

Q13: Came to be Chaldean Cath. through step-father (who is Iraqi). Believes that Asyrians and Chaldeans have homeland in the middle east.

Q14: Never been part of any other groups.

Q15: Wanted to do activism in pursuit of a higher purpose.

Q16: Seen plenty of Telegram post; activism maps, photos, and videos.

Q17: Sees self as another warm body, more specifically putting up posters, marching, helping with meetings.

Q18: Has like-minded online-friends, but also real-life friends back in FL.

Q19: Believes the use of violence is justified only in self-defense

Q20: Verbal agreement to peaceful means of demonstration.

Q21: Never been in physical altercation

Q22: Has 2 or 3 days available on a given week, able to meet on a weekly basis.

Q23: Believes biggest threat to America is either "leftist movement as a whole or jewish menace"; believes that there is maybe a loose connection between the two, that the Js are the head of the Snake: control of finances, government, military, etc.

Q24: Consumes TG primarily (Son & Steel, Tolerant Fellow, Kascadia, Fashwave, The War on Whites, the Catholic Integralist) for idealogy.

Q25: Fascist is the primary label to descibe self, encompasses beliefs of nationalism, tradition, and religion. Influences that lead him to these beliefs were primarily influenced by family life (mother divorced twice, now living with a man she's not married to) which is in stark contrast to how things used to be.

Q26: Doesn't believe religious beliefs conflict with political. That facism is perfectly compatible with religious beliefs based of past facist leaders who have supported the Catholic Church.

Q27: Mind, War and Trouble; Son and Steel; Bronze Age Mindset are books he's read recently. Son and Steel in particular because he described his pride in his Nation and it's traditions that ultimately led to him standing up for what he believed in by his attempted assassination and coupe attempt.

Q28: Works out every day except Sundays; 5'11'', about 150 lbs. Fitness routine is roughly a half mile run, 100 sit-ups, 50 push ups, 20 pull ups. Has extensive dedication throughout the week to each muslce group.

Q29: Some MMA and Ju-Jitsu expirience