Message from PF-604908

RocketChat ID: CMC7fxXub53FmNb9H

Hey Carter, have an interviewee ready for you, here's his notes:

30/MO/Kansas City
Conductor: Jason NY
Notetaker: Tyler SD

Status: Accepted

Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?
Answer: A couple of days ago, can't remember exactly when.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes.

Permanent Resident: Yes.

Political Ideology: Believes that traditional politics is "bullshit"

Drug Abuse: No.

Religion: Non-believing.

Why Join: Wants a community of people who can help his family and in turn he can help.

Skills: Proficient in surival/camping, navigation (600 miles a day).

Read Manifesto: Yes. Building community really spoke to him, believe it's something that requires emphasis today.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Has not interviewed before.

Q2: No crimes/charges of any sort, nor any government employment.

Q3: No.

Q4: Started off politically as a Trump guy, jaded as Trump did things antithetical to the people the interviewee thought he represented. The 2020 election and the lack of conviction in stopping the steal is what fully tore him away. His big jew support and the over-representation of jewish power is what really "woke him up". The censorship around the issue was a sticking point for him, drove him to look further into alt-media like Gab, then altering search engines, which gave him more information about the JQ. It was the overt propoganda in the media that pushed him towards racial awareness and pride. Didn't have a central figure for these ideas, was very spread out.

Q5: Through research into identitarian movements he came across the Organization. Through alt-media searches came across nothing initially, but found the Organization through specifically looking for identitarianism (about 5 monthes ago). It was through telegram that he really dug into the Organization, kicked the can around the road and eventually decided he needed to join.

Q6: Doesn't believe in civic-nationalism, believes that there is an ethnic component to being an American. Believes that European stock is a pre-requisite to being an American.

Q7: Family has been in US for at least 5 generations (or so he knows by word of mouth). Mother's side is Danish, Dad is English; he is describes himself as White.

Q8: Has not been a part of or done any activism for another org. Has some similarly minded friends, but they're not totally towards his direction because they don't have the same desire to learn that he does. Father is checked-out, follows mainstream. He liked the idea of being a part of a bigger organization and helping out through activism. Sees self as being a consistent activist in the future.

Q9: Only when you are in immediate danger is violence justified.

Q10: Has never been in any physical altercations.

Q11: Fairly busy with work, but able to make time; would be able to put up stickers and poster consistently. Would be able to attend a weekly meeting.

Q12: Says the entrenched political system is the largest threat. The lies that they tell and that they hold clout which allows them to get away with it. Says the motivation for these issues is money.

Q13: Follows most mainstream sources to stay informed. Telegram: Dissident Homeschool, RT News, The Western Chauvenist, Athletics and Identity, DiscloseTV, Patriot Front pages.

Q14: Labels self as a Nationalist. His expiriences in being White, not getting a tax-return (and little things like that) while welfare continues to go on without any fear of being cancelled. Has felt like he's been attacked as a White man during school, especially in trade-school where it was majority Black who were subsidized because they were criminals (treated poorly by his non-White cohorts).

Q15: Doesn't believe religious beliefs are at odds with his political beliefs (agnostic).

Q16: No books or anything that really contribu

Q17: In decent shape (did 2 5ks in the same day last week). No regimine, but can run a mile in under 10 minutes. Is 5'9", 180lbs.

Q18: Ideal family structure is a man being the patriarch in a monogomous relationship. Believes that's different from what's seen today because of how prevelent degeneracy is. Raised in a broken household.

Q19: He didn't have anyone jump out at him for an American who he admires the most.

Q20: Despises MLK Jr. the most, his involvment in communism, but mainly the impact he had in making people feel entitled.

Q21: Believes current nationalist movements are full of complacentcy. Believes the Organization fits in through us being active throughout the country, especially in his area which makes him feel like he's not alone.

Q22: In the future, would like to be self-employed, debt free, and going back to the roots of his family.