Message from PF-765244

RocketChat ID: s75y3MFQtFYjpYRAH

I agree with a lot of this. Mainly about the phone and meet up locations. The fact we drove onto some dudes property and he had a gun was fucked.
I also want to know if and what the plan is for if antifa DOES show up again armed and we do get kicked out (lets say we do everything correctly), still drive away and call the cops like last time? If that is the case I won't be bringing my car to an exchange.
Get the infiltrator OUT NOW. We should also make new plans for the vetting process, I like the "turning off your phone" but I also like Ryan OHs pat down thing he does. These people want to hurt us. I feel like this whole thing at DC is another big stepping stone for attention from legit guys, but also infiltrators or even feds. We have to be way WAY more seriously with this shit.

From my prospective walking up and down, we need to work on holding the flags and banners up evenly. I know, it was a longer march and it's harder with the banners. I'm assuming that with the fitness thing this will sort itself out. The amount of times I had to correct guys to hold their shit even was way too much.
Guys also need to work out on calling shit out like trees, and if someone is holding a banner to make sure all the guys holding it are together, it pretty much got twisted walking around the columns at the Lincoln memorial.
Shield teams need to be more on point, Johnny did a great job. Although, I still got hit. The dude STOLE one of our patches off of a guy, then went back and our guy pushed his shield forward like "watch the fuck out" sort of thing. He got mad and took a step back, then a step forward, I looked at him and then he hit me. I'm glad for Johnny and the cop who arrested him, it still should not of happened.
Make sure we work on posture and whatnot, and I'm sure the marching with the drum will get better over time.

I would say the march itself was great all in all