Message from PF-159020

RocketChat ID: rHHFG58z2LvBs8tq7

Making stickers count.
One of my favorite locations to sticker are signs next to left-turn lanes at 4 way intersections. It is one of the first places I look for when sticking because a spot like that can be seen by as many as hundreds of people in a day.
These spots get lots of driving traffic but almost 0 foot traffic which means there’s very little chance of them being removed. They are also placed on the back of the sign so the state has less incentive to remove them.
Some such spots that I’ve stickered have been up for months now and still look fairly good. In my local area I am running out of 4 way intersections to hit and its making an impact on the landscape.
This takes more effort than casually placing them on targets as we walk through town but this is what separates us from Antifa who sticker the easiest low-effort targets with 0 fear of social or state repercussion and feel like they’ve stuck it to the man
If you put in the extra work one well placed sticker has the potential to be seen as much or more than a banner drop.
I want PF stickers to eclipse the place the “OBEY” stickers have in popular consciousness. I want PF stickers to be the symbol of ideological pushback against the anti-white globohomo world order.
We do that by putting them everywhere. When people see the same message repeatedly it shapes how they interpret the popular conversation. Suddenly the Nationalist position is not some hushed boogeyman lurking on the internet; the public becomes aware that Nationalist activists in their area are working to shift the conversation.
We are those activists.
take advantage of those high potential spaces and reclaim the public conversation