Message from PF-604908

RocketChat ID: xHrgk6FLb2W4CSeQ6

24/TX/Fort Worth (Permres: Yes)

Conductor: Sam MN
Notes: Tyler SD

Result: Accepted

Test Question: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?
Answer: Expects to be asked what his reason for being here is, what his political/religious views are, and about his background.

Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: None.
Crimes: Has been charged with a DUI, back in Oct 2019 (right as he was getting out of the military).
Govt Employ: Used to work for the military (out in 2019), didn't work for intelligence, was 11B, Army Ranger.
Ailments: None.

1. Raised in a very conservative house hold, became aware of politics and the central banking system, how things really are after doing lots of research. That the Dems/Repubs are the same, became very jaded with the authenticity of political pundits. Believes that jews are running the banking system, that the financial system is rigged against the layman. Became woke on the JQ during end of military service when a buddy in the same mil-company walked him through the process. Spekzo (some AF guy) has been influential to that end, the Turner Diaries we another influential work. He's been cognizant to the degree that he's seen the infiltration of Israel into the Republican party, very quick to pick up on marxist ideology.

2. Labels self as a White Nationalist, Christian; believes in family, bloodline. Says that label is apt because he believes that this country was created for and by it's people (White men), believes we have a right to our existence and our country. Personal experiences have influenced that conclusion through military experience where he saw minorities getting precedent over White guys who are more qualified.

3. Found out about the org through a family/friend telegram where a "super based" guy in there sent a video of many demos. First impression that convinced him to join was that all the guys were fit and White, he yearned for that community. Would be willing to do everything that the Org's activists do, chose this Org over others because they seems "fake and lame".

4. Hasn't heard of civnationalism, believes there is an ethnic component to being an American, specifically European, because it was them who built the American empire before it was subverted. Believes in race-realism.

5. Family has been in the US for at least 3 generations (family came from Germany on both sides, grandfather fought for Germans in WWII), describes self as White.

6. Political and religious views are in sync, no conflict. No issues working with activists of other religions.

7. Skills include, great land-navigation, great physical fitness, able to clear rooms, owns a general contraction company (able to network very well, able to help with funding connections as well). Knows basic medical training.

8. Can run a mile in under 7 minutes, 5 mi in under 40/45 min; weighs 225, 6'.5", wakes up early and works out for about an hour.

9. Has not been a part of any other groups, has like minded friends and family. Wanted to Organize in order to work forwards with like-minded men towards a goal. Sees self in role of activist as a leader, first to stand up.