Message from PF-2658

RocketChat ID: GLFvycvqeJBn7Cnw4

Interviewee: 785872
Age:18/State:MI/City:Grand Rapids/Big Rapids (wants to move to Sweden in a couple years)
Date: 8/8/21
Conductor: JesseAR
Notes: JasonTX


Test: vote? no, couldn't. underage at the time.
Pol. Ideo.: National Socialism
Transport: vehicle is not operational
Drugs: no drugs/alcohol only drunk one time
Rel: getting into catholicism
Why join: we need something new that can bring change
Skills: drawing, graphic design and editing, fitness, people skills, first aid
Manifesto: Yes, it's solid. Could be more descriptive. likes the antidemcracy in it.

Q1: hasn't interviewed with us before

Q2: no crime. was barred from service to the marines because of an fbi visit. there's was a mole in a telegram group that reported him for usng "racist" rhetoric.

Q3: no ailments.

Q4: started off as neocon in 2016, then looked into libertarianism saw and found out that was controlled, then talked to a friends who's NS then looked into NS.

Q5: found out about us on YT, compilation videos. We aren't pussies. We actually do stuff. saw a video of us in DC on YT.

Q6: civic nationalism is too idealistic, like communism. it's utopian. it's a lost cause. America was founded on European blood. European heritage and an understanding of American history.

Q7: family goes back to the mayflower, also from Switzerland in the 1800s. English origin. Describes self at European.

Q8: no groups, has passed out self-made flyers about fascism. grandfather is "antisemetic", has a friend with similar ideas. never doxxed. sees himself doing sticker runs in the night, but would do a "boysterous" demo as well.

Q9: violence is a last resort. understandsand agrees to violence statement.

Q10: last confrontation was in High School, friend was getting beaten up, tried to help the friend, got rocked.

Q11: has a good amount free time, can do weekly meetings.

Q12: biggest threat is foreign influence from China and Israel. Money sent to Israel. Jews control the federal reserve, hollywood, sexual degeneracy being pushed.

Q13: uses Telegram follows Autism Center, Tom Sewell, Gator Nationalism, Fat People Hate. watches Tucker Carlson clips, likes his takes on antifa/blm.

Q14: Ethnic Nationalism. Everyone, except Israel, has a right to their homeland. An experience was seeing how blacks in his high school always tried to instigate fights with Whites.

Q15: Books: Mein Kampf, 100 Qs about Fascism answered, Economics of Fascism, Prussianism/Socialism. Mosley's book was influencial because of the interviewee's English origin. Resinates with how Mosley got vilified and shunned by the govt.

Q16: 5'8" 150lbs, no fitness routine, used to take karate

Q17: ideal family is one man, one woman, kids, dog and cat. today there's single moms, or two dads/moms. system makes it hard to raise a family these days. have to always be worried about the affordability of having children. was poor growing up, hard to get a good meal, didn't spend much time with dad and mom, half brother and his wife would beat him.

Q18: admires Andrew Jackson, got rid of the federal reserve, was badass, beat an assassin close to death, he was strong and not a bitch. the ideal American leader.

Q19: despises FDR, bringing America into WW2

Q20: Nationalist movement constantly "bitches' about censorship. Stop complaining online. Do stuff outside. PF gets censored more than someone like Steven Crowder, we get our message forward in drastic ways rather than "optics" like the proud boys.

Q21: have a family in a world that isn't "fucked."