Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: bch2jXAe9ebxCyitf

Q9: i beleive the use of violence be justified when him or family life is threatened or when rights are violated, rights given by god. understands and agrees
Q10: marine core ball, drunk fight. was broken up.

Q11: available more than 5hrs a day, would be able to have weekly meetings

Q12: programed passiveness of future and present generations of whites. passiveness would make someone lose. anti bullying campains caused passiveness. turning schools into communism, anti witness, this is the root of the problem

Q13: 4chan, outdoor camping videos, watches trailer park boys, plays video games. use instagram, twitter (fuentes before band).

Q14: paleo conservative, seperation of people is the greatest crime against humanity. putting other races against whites. untity amoungst races could work if we have our own places. naturally feels a responcibility to family and country.

Q15: yes, kidness taken for weakness. havent recociled this problem, jesus loves everyone, but it cannot be all the time.

Q16: meditations by marcus oralius, animal farm, fareignheight 401

Q17: considers himself not big jacked but not small. agile. average guy.

Q18: man, woman, and as many kids as they can support. everyone should look alike. men work and women stay at home. attacks on this family structure today. religion and family activities are needed. family is very close to ideal family. felt very loved by his parents, never felt out of place.

Q19: admires john hancock

Q20: despises susan b, anthony, causing bad voting practices.

Q21: no ethnic natinalist movement except PF, PF is a good foothold for nationalism

Q22: working for fathers finacial practice, plan on having a wife and kids.