Message from PF-2658
RocketChat ID: 6GYAxMLAxJxekvSSb
Interviewee- 219169
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph IL
Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?: The other day
-- Applicant Information --
Personal Transportation: No. Uses bike or travels with friends.
Permanent Resident: Plans on moving back to California when he is done with school in Indiana.
Political Ideology: Broadly right wing. Most Ideologies are very reactionary. Very right wing. Devote Catholic. Against abortion. Authoritarian. Against gay marriage and any law that allows for degeneracy. Against central banking and the way governments interact with corporations.
Drug Abuse: No
Religion: Devout Catholic. Can work with other religions that aren't too drastically different with him. Would prefer not to but if their goals alight he sees merit in aligning with people of his race. Would not evangelize.
Why Join: Assumed that most groups where government honeypots but doesn't care at this point. If nothing is done then we are screwed.
Skills: No skills in medical or the outdoors
Read Manifesto: Yes. Thought it fit with a lot of his ideals. Confused a little about what the end goals. Slow paced. Thinks we should go beyond street activism. Buy land and have a completely self sustaining network that is separate form society and the government. A refuge
-- In-depth Questions --
Q1: Never interviewed
Q2: No crimes or government employment.
Q3: has minor scoliosis. Not debilitating.
Q4: Became invested in his beliefs as a freshman in high school. Looked up to his brother. Started learning a lot more over the last 2 years about how the world works. All the governments are connected. Following the same guidelines for Covid. Family was always republican. Brother became a libertarian and an anarcho-capitalist. Interviewee found ac unrealistic and became more authoritarian. Sexual perversion and degeneracy need to be changed. More moral and traditional society. It's clear that the races are not supposed to live together but not sure how to solve the problem. Africans should probably go back.
Q5: First heard about the org on a 4chan (POL). People where saying we where great while others said it was a fed op. Thought we where a fed op up until he saw the Philly march a week ago.
Q6: Blacks have been in America for 100s of years but still cannot adapt. There is an ethnic component to being an American.
Q7: Goes back 7 generations on moms side. His dads dad is a first gen American. Northwestern Europe. British Isles. Germany. Scandinavia. 100% European.
Q8: Not part of any other groups. Interested in doing whatever is required such as demonstrations, banner drops and stickering.
Q9: violence is justified when safety and well being is threatened. Would not be violent at a march unless directly attacked. Agrees and understands violence statement.
Q10: Got in a fight in high school playing soccer.
Q11: Can make weekly meetings.
Q12: Biggest threat to America is globalism. Globalism is caused by Jews and Free Masons and specific families within those groups. Theory is that their goal is to rule over humanity and bring about the end times. Bring Jesus back and try to kill him.
Q13: Lou Robert Seper/Sepher. Browsed 4chan. Gab.
Q14: Label: Catholic. It is the basis for his worldview.
Q15: Religious beliefs define his political beliefs.
Q16: No books or essays
Q17: Fallen off weight lifting do to school. Could run a mile in under 10 min. 6ft 165 ibs.
Q18: Man is the leader. Today, women are given too much authority and work too much. Was raised in traditional household.
Q19: Admires George Lincoln Rockwell. His ideas where ahead of their time.
Q20: Despises FDR. Increased government and economic control. Very Jewish cabinet. Policies in WWII where wrong.
Q21: Nationalist movement is tiny. Nationalism that most Americans support is cultural and not attached to a racial identity. It is non-threatening. All talk and no action. PF adds ethnic nationalism and is active
Q22: Goals: Uncertain about future. working towards getting his degree then moving back to CA.