Message from PF-3527

RocketChat ID: 8aXux8GKpt6SYdCBi

  1. Biggest threat to America is demographic replacement. Corporate overreach, tech censorship also big threats. Corporations hate the people who live here. Government is run by same people who run the corps. Politicians give money to Israel but don't care about America.

    16. Use of violence is justified in self defense. Violence is not currently a viable option for the political change he seeks. Right wing lacks power, communication. Nothing to be won from a violent conflict. Would be able to remain peaceful even if provoked or attacked. Understands and agrees to violence statement.

    17. Last physical confrontation was small fight in lockerroom 3 years ago.

    18. Mostly gets his information and media from Telegram, BitChute, Odysee. Fan of Western Chauvinist, Andrew Torba, John Doyle. Likes Nick Fuentes "a little bit."

    19. Only influential book is Bronze Age Mindset. Prefers to listen to podcasts and watch youtube. Likes John Doyle podcast and FullHaus. Listened to Thomas' interview w/ Keith Woods. Was listening to Nick Fuentes' podcast often a while ago.

    20. Ideal family structure is nuclear family w/ man leading the relationship. Modern family is inverted, women lead the family. Race mixing, beliefs grounded in consumerism. Personal upbringing was similar to ideal. Opposed to homosex, porn, promiscuity. State should ban previously mentioned elements from being exhibited in public.

    21. American historical figure who he most admires is America's first ND: George WA. His strength and perserverance during the revolutionary war is what makes him admire him.

    22. Figure who he admires is Pres Reagan, felt that he was lied to about his virtues.

    23. Nationalist movement is mostly disorganized and egotistical. Lots of egomaniacs and grifters. Could be solved with a strict leadership hierarchy, uniting the right. Our organization is the antithesis to the proud boys because we stay non-violent, wear masks, are better organized.

    24. Goals for the future are to run his own business.

    25. Positive that he's been completely truthful.

    26. We should let him in to the org because he's dedicated, disciplined, logical and willing to make a difference. Will give the organization his all.