Message from PF-305391
RocketChat ID: t82Y8tGKMAW6HpHyF
You guys are all sharing your fitness journey so I'll share a little of mine. About a year ago I was 237 pounds. I have had these ideas since maybe 2017 ish but never had the fire to get into better shape. It wasn't until a couple guys like rundo started pushing the fitness stuff that I took a hard look in the mirror. I was obese. I knew I had to make a change. I would be in this group not as the spreadsheet guy but as a participant like all of you if I didn't just join PF a month and a half ago. I started out doing intermittant fasting and keto and lost about 20 pounds doing that. I was doing weight training, burpees, and some body weight training. I don't know what I could do in terms of the weights, but I know I definately couldn't do a pullup. I dropped the intermittant fasting and keto just for the sake of praciticality and bought a food scale with the intention of counting my calories. This is how I lost the last 40 pounds. During this whole period I was weight training, body weight training and doing low intensity cardio. For the pullups, I started doing australian pullups, then progressed to chinups, then I finally got my first pullup after a super long time. Now my goal is to put on size and weight while maintaining proficiency at the body weight stuff. I weighed in at 185 today, so I'm slowly gaining weight. I can comforably pass the fitness test now but I would've likely failed every aspect of it a year ago. Hopefully sharing this will help some of you and inspire you. I know my fitness journey is nowhere near complete, as I would like to put on alot more size, but you guys can absolutely go from obese to fairly fit in not that long of a time period if you're very dedicated.