Message from PF-729917

RocketChat ID: CbJF9nRkQNW8RFxBp

Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph_IL


Test Question: What do you expect will be asked in the interview?: Questions having to do with why I want to join, what I can offer, Am I a fed

1. 19

2. TX. No plans to move out of state.

3. Dallas

4. Never interviewed

5. Should have personal transportation by the end of December.

6. No substance abuse

7. No crimes

8. No gov employment

9. No ailments

10. Started off liberal. Worked his way towards libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism crap "crap". Started learning about WWII. Read Mein Kampf. Realized what people do if left to their own devices. Used to be very tolerant of behavior. Thought everyone was the same except for cosmetic issues. Realized the differences in races in regards to how they behave. Crime and family structure. Got back into his Catholic church which made him realize that there has to be a hierarchy to society. Label: Fascist-There should be a balance between personal liberty and Government regulations. Doesn't have many personal experiences that made him fascist. Seeing white history and culture being actively being torn down was shocking. US government isn't running the show. It is the "Deep State" or "ZOG". Most of them come from a Jewish persuasion. Their religious beliefs make them hate us.

11. Saw posts about us on Social Media. Was tepid of us because of organizations being infiltrated by feds. Researched us and determined that we where not. DC march is the instance that made him want to join. Tired of just complaining online. Is willing to apply himself towards consistent activity. However, he is currently moving out and getting a new job. Will have much more time in a month or two.

12. Doubts that migratory foreigners can become Americans. Has never seen it happen. They bring all their cultures and traditions with him. There is an Ethnic component to being American. Northern/Western European.

13. Family has been here since at least the 1750a. Mostly British Isles. Some Germany. Ethnically calls himself Anglo.

14. No religious/political conflict. Can work with other religions as long as they're not proselytizing .

15. Was a boy scout. Enjoys camping and hunting. Fairly strong.

16. Jogs once a day. Does sit ups, pull ups, push ups. 5' 9" 180ibs. Could probably run a mile in under 10.

17. Never a part of any other groups. Has a couple of like minded friends. Wanted to get into organizing because there is no point in having these beliefs and not doing anything about it. Can do whatever we want him to.

18. Biggest threat to America is international Jewry and their anti-white propaganda.

19. Violence is justified when you are forced into it. Violence is not a winning strategy right now but could be in the future. Could remain peaceful during actions. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

20. Last physical altercation was in HS. Got jumped.

21. Follows some meme accounts on Instagram. Gets info from the Daily Stormer. May watch Tucker to see what people are saying. Telegram: Mr. benzingear, Patriot Front.

22. The bible, The Prince by Machiavelli, Mein Kampf, Protocols of Elders of Zion and the uni-bomber manifesto. Liked Mein Kampf because of the difference between what is said he wanted and what he said he wanted. Liked his views on a strong and independent Germany. Liked his anti-capitalist views. The man who can't work should not be forgotten.

23. Ideal Family structure is Husband, Wife and kids. Today there are to many single woman mothers which. She can't raise kids on her own. Was raised in nuclear family. Thinks homosexuality, porn, ect is bad. God forbade all of them.

24. Admires Andrew Jackson. Liked how he expanded west and how he viewed the banks. Liked JFK for his anti-secret society views that got him killed.

25. Woodrow Wilson. Fed. Income Tax. WWI.

26. There are a lot of groups that are feds. There is a wignat problem. Some are feminist. Doesn't like the hyper pagan groups. Likes PF because we don't spurg out. We don't make ourselves targets by acting stupid.

27. Would like to have some land and a family. Doesn't want to work for the man.

28. Has been fully truthful

29. Has the will and the drive to do what is necessary. Would be another boot on the ground.