Message from PF-305391

RocketChat ID: XBvavkT3tiJqDgjHW

You first need to determine whether you're going to get a gym membership or keep working out at home. You're likely going to have to spend a little money either way. If you want to just workout at home, you've got to figure out a way to do some sort of pullup. Maybe you want to get one of those things you install in a doorway or find a park nearby with a bar,, whatever. I wouldn't recommend getting heavy dumbells for pressing unless you want to spend money on a bench. Getting some power rack with a barbell and plates will run you alot of money so thats out of the question. Also, I can (((loan))) you a 45 plate so you or your roommate can put it on your back for pushups. This will drastically increase the difficulty and give you more gains in a couple weeks than the whole month of pushups you've been doing, almost guaranteed. The cheapest way to do it would be to find a park nearby with a bar for pullups. You could then do a push, pull, legs split with no equipment except maybe the 45 plate. The push day would consist of only pushups, pull day at the park with just pullups, and a leg workout consisting of squats and lunges for now. Right now you're only hitting chest, triceps, shoulders, and abs. You've got to change this in order to get a more well'rounded physique because you're completely neglecting your back, biceps and legs. And if you get the gym membership you will need to incorporate this same philosophy of working out all the main muscle groups, likely on different days, except you will be using more weights and machines to achieve the same goal.