Message from thomas

RocketChat ID: QDaXCoKYTEDi3B8FH

Note: I need to ensure that the questions written in the script are being asked 100%. Thusly, it is necessary for interviewers to read them verbatim. If a similar question has already been asked, then it is good to ask again to compare answers. If your speaking pattern doesn't accommodate for asking the questions verbatim, then work on that.

Stick to the questions as written, and it's better to go over things more than once than to skip around on the list.

Note: America is a people, not a place. Being born "within America" is less about the specific geographic location and more about the aspects of heritage and culture. Of course, practically, one must be a citizen or a legal resident to be a member to avoid risk.

Note: The statement that the "test question may come up later" is simply to get the interviewee to remember it better. If they do release information about the script, then it is more likely to come up.