Message from PF-173220

RocketChat ID: PvNGvRKxpqa8CBwSG


33 /MN / Minneapolis


Conductor: Sam MN

Notetaker: Christopher VA


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?

Sent it in on friday

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: yes

Permanent Resident:yes

Political Ideology: Facist, Nationalist

Drug Abuse: no

Religion: christian, traditional catholicism

Why Join: been involved with other groups, interested in serving the org and sees us as the best shot

Skills: personal trainer, coach fitness, nutrient knowledge, mechanic skills, experience with writing, small business could support the org. Done a lot of camping and took CPR classes.

Read Manifesto: yes. As a writer, he thinks it's well written. Better way of explaining the role of individualism and that it can corrupt and race is essential. Enficess on the betterment of the family

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: no

Q2: no crimes, no government employment

Q3:no impairments

Q4: read info wars, started seeing comments about daily stormer, went to pol and filled with righteous indignation. Found out what was going on. Why our government hates the people of our country. Country hijacked by foreign group who wants to destroy white people. Freedom has a duty associated with it, how our founding fathers intended. Sir john gloves “ The fate of Empires” similar today

Q5: knew about us after Charlottesville, saw a sticker in a nearby town, saw us on pol. Wanted to join after country started to fall apart, guilt, and

Q6: standard conservative talking points, foreigners cannot be americans. Genetics and culture are tied. Being American is European, that's who built this country, its where we get our ideals.

Q7: some people have been here since the 1700’s, Swedish, Norwegian, English, French, european. Part of identity Europa.

Q8:not doxed, was part of identity europa, can see himself as an activist.

Q9: justified in self defense and life was threatened, would be able to hold back if needed. Understands and agrees with our policy.

Q10: no previous conflicts/fights. Only been near antifa, never fought. Was