Message from @devpav

Discord ID: 491800175111831552

2018-09-19 02:31:26 UTC  

I dont know if that is entirely sound...but rather a case of a persons memory of an event 30 years after the fact is entirely different than it actually happened

2018-09-19 02:31:58 UTC  

The problem with Democrats is that they rely on gaslighting an herd mentality so they lie about everything then fall for their own lies. My guess is they honestly believe a blue wave is coming an that they might stand a chance of taking back the senate to derail his nomination which is never going to happen.

2018-09-19 02:32:03 UTC  

By no fault of her own, to be sure. Human memory is a fickle misress, and often things that happened in our past are much more extreme after that fact

2018-09-19 02:32:17 UTC  

Chamberlain was wondering why this would even be brought up in couple's therapy thus leading to the therapist's notes.

2018-09-19 02:32:43 UTC  

Why would a traumatic assault be brought up in couples therapy? Is that a serious question?

2018-09-19 02:33:41 UTC  

Look, sans this assault story, I want Kavanaugh to be voted in. But to ask why an event like this would come up in therapy is silly.

2018-09-19 02:34:02 UTC  

I'm working from the presumption of innocence here. I don't think Kavanaugh did anything or even knew this woman.

2018-09-19 02:35:15 UTC  

What the Dems are pleading for here is basically a Mueller investigation of Kavanaugh.

2018-09-19 02:35:21 UTC  

Okay, thats fair. I've tried to come at it from the perspective that both Kavanaugh has no recollection of the event, and the woman DID experience some type of trauma similar to what was describes, even if she is mistakes about the perp

2018-09-19 02:35:50 UTC  

Maybe I'm not cynical enough...

2018-09-19 02:36:02 UTC  

Its past the statutes of limitation lol Why would anyone waste resources investigating it

2018-09-19 02:36:24 UTC  

Because if it's true it disqualifies Kavanaugh from the position.

2018-09-19 02:36:46 UTC  

I the end of the say, Trump can just nominate an equally qualified justice

2018-09-19 02:36:59 UTC  

end of the *DAY

2018-09-19 02:37:07 UTC  

If this happened, and she legitimately believes Kavanaugh did this to her, the fastest way for this debacle to be over is to testify at the first possible opportunity, and there need be no fear about perjury.

2018-09-19 02:37:20 UTC  

Giving into the Dems would be an idiotic mistake.

2018-09-19 02:37:34 UTC  

Not doing so gives them ammo in the future

2018-09-19 02:37:41 UTC  

Short of Kavanaugh admitting to it they won't find evidence it happened. Its he said she said so no investigation can lead to his disqualification if he doesn't randomly admit he did it

2018-09-19 02:37:42 UTC  

There is absolutely no reason for the GOP to go along with this circus.

2018-09-19 02:38:09 UTC  

That satisfies the legitimate need to vet possible justices as thoroughly as possible, and gets Ford out of the limelight ASAP.

2018-09-19 02:38:18 UTC  

The left is already totally gaslit about Kavanaugh, it doesn't need more ammo.

2018-09-19 02:38:51 UTC  

It's not possible to prove Kavanaugh did anything. Ford doesn't have that power. But she can get this mess over with much faster by just testifying in closed session, or even having a frickin phone call.

2018-09-19 02:39:06 UTC  

By not doing so she's dragging the process out.

2018-09-19 02:39:38 UTC  

Dragging it out is the whole point of claiming he did this in the first place. They're trying to delay the vote lol

2018-09-19 02:40:38 UTC  

If you were legitimately concerned about Kavanaugh being a terrible man being placed in high office, and you were morally driven to oppose it even though it was painful to relive that part of your live, you would want to get the whole process over with as fast and thoroughly as possible.

2018-09-19 02:40:48 UTC  

Ford is refusing to testify to the committee unless there's an FBI investigation and the FBI won't investigate her accusation because it's 36 year-old hearsay and not a federal crime anyway. So the Judiciary Committee will shortly be back on schedule.

2018-09-19 02:40:58 UTC  

So dragging it out and doing half-measures is cause to be skeptical.

2018-09-19 02:41:40 UTC  

Am i the only one that.... just maybe....... maybe..... someone finds ford and her family all killed execution style gun shot wounds lol

2018-09-19 02:41:44 UTC  

Of course this is nothing but a delay tactic.

2018-09-19 02:42:08 UTC  

If you're skeptical you can either decide she's some kind of democrat operative completely fabricating the entire thing, or that there's some smaller lie that just snowballed out of her control and now she's in the throws of forces beyond her.

2018-09-19 02:42:11 UTC  

I wouldnt mind it but..... definitely wouldnt encourage that behavior

2018-09-19 02:42:28 UTC  

Big edit there lol

2018-09-19 02:42:35 UTC  

She's obviously a prop in the Dems' circus act.

2018-09-19 02:42:47 UTC  


2018-09-19 02:42:57 UTC  

I'm not so sure. She seems like a pretty regular academic.

2018-09-19 02:43:30 UTC  

exactly 'regular academic' is a Democrat activist lol

2018-09-19 02:43:57 UTC  

Democratic activist =/= Pathological liar

2018-09-19 02:44:05 UTC  

Ford's 'lawyer' declared on TV that the onus is on Kavanaugh to prove his innocence. This stunt is a total shitshow.

2018-09-19 02:44:09 UTC  

But for real. How is someone really going to get away with this shit. Even if she did get brutally ass raped by him back then... why does she think id care...? I want him to vote conservative on supreme court cases.... i dont give a fuck if hes a child rapist lol if he can vote according to the constitution idgaf

2018-09-19 02:44:19 UTC  

Yes it does or they wouldn't be Democrat activists lol their entire platform is built on lies

2018-09-19 02:44:43 UTC  

Dude if you legit don't care if he ACTUALLY raped her you are a terrible person