Message from @grant

Discord ID: 496114626459860993

2018-10-01 00:19:21 UTC  

you have an overactive sense of danger

2018-10-01 00:19:25 UTC  

Some people, like my family, use credit cards without every accruing interest because its just easier than cash transfers, wouldn't be possible without systems of loans and confidence though.

2018-10-01 00:19:28 UTC  

If you do meet minimum spends, and you don't have some moral objection to the behaviour of your creditors (for example, I don't like how MasterCard does business), then I don't understand not using credit cards.

2018-10-01 00:19:43 UTC  

How overactive is it, when I avoided college debt despite everyone around me recommending it.

2018-10-01 00:19:49 UTC  

Look at the crisis now.

2018-10-01 00:19:52 UTC  


2018-10-01 00:20:02 UTC  

"crisis" pft.

2018-10-01 00:20:20 UTC  

Unless you are very sure of the value of loans you take for education, you are being foolish.

2018-10-01 00:20:29 UTC  

@Paradox It's a lot of debt, and the people holding it are _very_ resentful.

2018-10-01 00:20:44 UTC  

I sound like a sensible fuckin' man that's what I sound like.

2018-10-01 00:20:51 UTC  

Visa loses money by having me as a customer so I don't think that much about their practices

2018-10-01 00:21:15 UTC  

ya if I found out I spent 10 of thousands of dollars on education and I am still a retard, I'd probably be pretty pissy too.

2018-10-01 00:21:35 UTC  

Here's something the colleges do that not everyone knows about

2018-10-01 00:21:39 UTC  

They boast a hiring rate, right?

2018-10-01 00:21:45 UTC  

The crisis is not the magnitude of the debt, or even the prospect that it might default at a high rate (though those two things cooperate to enhance the danger): the crisis is that the way it is "resolved" may be an immense political goldmine.

2018-10-01 00:21:48 UTC  

sorry, not "spent" "borrowed"...

2018-10-01 00:21:58 UTC  

Well a lot of these colleges have companies that will take on students for awhile just to fire them in a little while, so they can have that hiring rate.

2018-10-01 00:22:08 UTC  

They boast hiring rates?

2018-10-01 00:22:11 UTC  


2018-10-01 00:22:23 UTC  

I feel like the schools should be selling insurance then

2018-10-01 00:22:24 UTC  

Do they even bother to break it down by major?

2018-10-01 00:22:25 UTC  

I was warned against one of those diploma mills by the department of voc rehab, I think it was Devry I was talking to recruiters from

2018-10-01 00:22:32 UTC  

The insurance pays the loans.

2018-10-01 00:22:35 UTC  

Grant I can't get too pedantic in detail right now.

2018-10-01 00:22:44 UTC  

I just know it's done. And nothing stops it.

2018-10-01 00:22:54 UTC  

Shady but not illegal

2018-10-01 00:23:06 UTC  

Colleges are full of snakes.

2018-10-01 00:23:08 UTC  


2018-10-01 00:23:15 UTC  

I mean, it probably could be resolved in court.

2018-10-01 00:23:17 UTC  

It wouldn't surprise me if they massage a lot stats to be very misleading.

2018-10-01 00:23:23 UTC  

That seems very very very close to commercial fraud.

2018-10-01 00:23:33 UTC  

in 10 years tens of thousands will be pretty much nothing

2018-10-01 00:23:34 UTC  

I hope so.

2018-10-01 00:23:44 UTC  

Not to Wacka.

2018-10-01 00:23:50 UTC  

Wacka has been talking nonsense.

2018-10-01 00:23:57 UTC  

"Inflation is great for your debt!" Okay.

2018-10-01 00:24:04 UTC  

Got an elixir to sell us too?

2018-10-01 00:24:08 UTC  

inflation will go up as wages increase

2018-10-01 00:24:11 UTC  

well inflation actually is....

2018-10-01 00:24:19 UTC  

Inflation is great for debtors, yeah.

2018-10-01 00:24:24 UTC  

Sadly only diploma mills and technical schools tend to get in trouble for being bullshit